Marco Belinelli’s Dark Secret

At least it was Marco’s dark secret back in his rookie year.  I’ll make sure Joe puts that season credential to use and finds out this season if it is still his bete noire.

Oh, what am I talking about?  Cookies, of course!  American cookies, actually.  From the archives of our fellow THN blog comes the following morsel:

He[Belinelli] was nicknamed “Cookie Monster” by his teammates because of his love for American cookies. The only thing is that this love made him gain 4 kilos – He’s now supposed to go easy on the cookies.

Four kilos.  I believe that’s european for 8,432 lbs.  Or maybe 8.8 lbs.  Whichever it is, that’s a lot of cookies.

Now I’m not sure I am condoning giving him that nickname.  Screaming “Coooookiieeeees!!” at the Arena doesn’t necessarily trip right off the tongue, or seem likely to get those around you to buy in very quickly.  It’s not like “Buckets!!” or “Fluffy!!” ya know?

Maybe “Monstah!!”?  Or is that too Boston Red Sox?

Oh, and if you want to watch a 5-minute video of Belinelli and a couple other Golden State NBA rookies failing to dance, visit the article the above quote came from over at

Hat tip to Henry Abbott, who put me on the trail.

Isn't he Cute?

20 responses to “Marco Belinelli’s Dark Secret”

  1. Well i myself, Just ordered NBA league pass. so i will be watching all the hornets games this year. And whenever MArco scores, I shall be yelling COOKIES~!!!!!!!!

    i kinda like it… if i lived in new orleans, i would totally be yelling that out at the games… i mean is just like when your playing basketball and you get a steal… people usually say “cookies”…

    so i dont think is too akward….

    is also different… just think…. cp to marco for a threee… and the arena goes wild yelling “COOKIES!!!!!”

    i think that would be awesome……

  2. My nickname idea is “the Marcs,” for the platoon. Too bad we don’t have Sean Marks anymore. He would be the first big off the bench.

  3. I say when he scores the PA should say MARCO and the crowd respond with POLO, like a giant swimming pool of children. I bet he wouldn’t know what the hell was going on, as I’m pretty sure that is an American thing. LOL

      • Chuck Edwards.

        Anyone else think he’s the Brian Doyle-Murray to Jack Black’s Bill Murray? i was going to do the Howard brothers, but I’m not going to compare the man to Clint Howard. Brian has a respectable stature and resume.

      • The Hornets web guy loved the idea as well, as did the 4 or 5 who retweeted their love for the idea. We may be seeing some new fan participation in the Hive this season. 🙂

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