Journal Contest: Write to Win Hornets Goodies

Oh look, we’re having another All-Star contest. The important stuff first:

What’s the prize?

There will be only one winner, one grand prize. That prize will consist of:

Who can enter?

Pretty much anyone. You don’t have to live in the United States. We’ll send the prizes to New Zealand if we have to.

How do I win?

We want you to write a 200-400 word Journal entry about pretty much anything Hornets-related. It can be about one player, the whole team, coaches, trades, rumors, Buzz Fest, whatever. It can be funny, sad, optimistic, pessimistic, cataclysmic or even complete fantasy. By all means, get creative and throw a curveball in there. All we really ask is that you refrain from writing anything rude or derogatory, and submit an entry that accomplishes one or more of the following:

  • Entertains the reader.
  • Expresses an educated opinion.
  • Generates discussion.
  • Informs/educates the reader.
  • Shares an original thought/idea.

After the deadline, our select panel of judges (that would be me, Ryan and Joe) will review all the entries and pick a winner. If there’s any disagreement between the judges, I get final say because I’m the coolest.

How do I get started?

First, if you haven’t already done so, you need to register with the site. After that, make sure you’re logged in, and then go to write a Journal entry. You must provide a title and content before you can save or publish. You can come back later and edit what you wrote via your Journal listing page. (Be advised that you cannot delete a Journal entry once it has been published.)

If you have trouble, check out this introduction to Journals, or let us know what’s up in the comments below.

Rules and stuff

  • One Journal entry per person. It must be a minimum of 200 words, maximum of 400. For reference, this blog post is about 450 words.
  • The cut off point for entry is 7pm Central on Wednesday, February 17, right before the Hornets take on the Jazz. (And yes, we can check the exact post times of Journal entries.)
  • If you win and live abroad, we’ll get you $100 worth of gear from the Hornets Nest store and ship it with the other prizes.
  • We can add more rules as we see fit.

That’s all. Good luck.

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