Fan Up New Orleans: Thousands attend Thursday’s pep rally

I made my way downtown yesterday evening to check out the Hornets pep rally. They had the whole crossroads of Fulton and Lafayette closed off and a big stage set up. The crowd was pretty big; "several thousand" strong according to John Reid in today's Times-Picayune.

The players came out on stage early. They were introduced one at a time and threw t-shirts into the crowd. Dudes didn't stay long, and everyone was distracted by the Honeybees dancing on stage as the players left the area. Gil McGregor and Jeff Bower mingled a bit in the crowd afterwards, although most folks still don't seem to recognize Bower. I bet he loves the anonymity.

The music and the dancing and the good times continued into the evening but I bailed soon after 8pm. I'll stay later for the Championship celebration.

Pictures from the rally…

Hornets pep rally

Hornets pep rally

Hornets pep rally

Hornets pep rally

(Massive thanks to Tyler for sending along the images)

Amazing to look back yesterday and consider where we came from. My buddy Mikey always tells the story of how he was the only fan at the first live radio show from Gordon Biersch at the start of the season. Nobody in New Orleans much cared for the Hornets back then.

Look at us now.

Bonus linkage:

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[UPDATE] Check out a recap and some pictures from the rally over at Hornets Hype.

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