When the OKC-based HornetsCentral stopped posting almost three months ago, here was me thinking I had the Hornets blog market cornered. So I lay off the posts a bit, started taking more naps and drinking whiskey in the morning. Every now and then, I worried that I might lose some of you fine readers. But then I'd just smile and knock back another JD, safe in the knowledge that there was no alternative.
"I'm the only Hornets blog there is!"
Well, so much for that. Frequent 24/7 commenter Ryan Schwan went and ruined everything by setting up his own Hornets blog, entitled The New Orleans Hornets Fan. It's not one of those cryptic names.
Not only has Ryan had the audacity to post something damn near every day for almost two weeks, but his stuff is actually a good read, too. I'm guessing he doesn't even have a drinking problem.
Jokes aside, tis a damn fine blog and worth checking out. So go do it. Just remember to come back and visit Uncle Ron every now and then. I'm checking into rehab, I swear. If Britney can make it all the way back to the top, I can too.