The Heat beat the Hornets

So Dwyane Wade dropped a gamer on the Hornets yesterday, sending our guys to their tenth loss in twelve games. As if we didn't have enough to blame him for.

The game was really a metaphor for the season so far. The Hornets were up 97-88 with six minutes left, enough to get us believing that they might win this one. It was like how we were foolish enough to believe that the Hornets could make some noise this season (and I don't mean rib-cracking noise). But of course, just as the season took a sharp turn down Shit Creek, so too did the game yesterday, with the Hornets managing just two points in those last six minutes. And there was Dwyane Wade at the end, pouring a bag of salt into our gaping wound.

Pat Riley know things

Diving into some news and notes and random nonsensical ramblings…

  • Linkage: box | recap | video | photos
  • In case you haven't already noticed, this blog tends to get a teenie bit more x-rated when the Hornets are losing. Maybe my parents didn't pay me enough attention as a child. I don't know.

    You have been warned.

  • Rasual Butler has put together a string of solid offensive outings in a row, going for 17, 19 and 21 points in the past three games.
  • Toughest thing about all the losing is seeing Chris Paul's blood, sweat and tears go to waste every night. He deserves better.
  • Darnell Mayberry, Bloggy McBloggerson.
  • David West's recovery time is now estimated at between two and eight weeks, which is just about the worst estimation ever. WTF? That's like guessing Desmond Mason's height at somewhere between three inches and two miles.
  • Crazy From the Heat blog about the game from the other side.
  • Finally, some good news: Both Carmelo Anthony and JR Smith will miss the Nuggets-Hornets game on the 29th due to suspensions for that thing in New York. If I had to watch JR Smith go for 20+ on us I think I'd snap and take off on some kind of Michael Douglas in Falling Down type rampage.

The Hornets are back in action tomorrow in Orlando. It may or may not prove to be the magical fairytale ride the holiday people tell me it will be. I recommend listening to angry music in the meantime.

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