YouTube Tuesday – Larry Johnson

For no better reason than there's nothing else to do, let's kick off a new feature that may or may not ever see the light of day again. Yes, it's the first ever YouTube Tuesday here at the 247. Makes you feel kinda fuzzy inside, doesn't it?

GrandmamaWe'll start this the same way SLAM magazine started however many years ago: with Larry Johnson.

Five minutes later…

Hey, this is really great. Our new system gets all bitchy when I try to embed a YouTube movie on the page. It would have been an idea to test that before we launched the new site, but we never were that smart.

We're going to make this up to you so you don't go telling both your friends about how much we suck balls, so here's links to two YouTube videos. Yes, two! Just like Larry Johnson's number. Sometimes coincidences can be downright shit-your-pants scary.

Larry Johnson highlights from his Hornets days.

Mickey Jordan drops 52 points on the Hornets back in '93.

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