Weakside Eyes: Love the No Timeout Call!

Let’s get right to the point: I love the “no timeout call”. Many are so locked into the “You need a timeout to set up the last play!” thing . . . that’s not always the case. Unless you are attending every practice session, you don’t know what ‘special situations’ teams are working on.

By not calling for a timeout, you put the defending team in a scramble mode. There are situations where you simply advance the ball and run your ‘special situation” while attacking. Tyreke Evans went “iso” vs Portland and delivered a game-winner. The situation is like running your early offense and flowing into your play / scheme. Teams practice these moments, and they prove to be a valuable asset to their offensive playbook.

It helps that the Pelicans have “off-the-dribble” guards that can create and can also run isolations, as Evans did. Defending teams must adapt and seek out the proper matchups as the ball is moving up the floor, and the players on offense begin to run their routes / get to their spots to create potential options out of the play depending the time available.

Running these plays out of

  • FT situations
  • Made or missed FG’s

In late game situations, they serve their purpose provided they are drilled properly during practice. Coaches can make the call from the bench or during a dead ball or in a prior timeout.

So whenever the topic arises about why a timeout wasn’t called, merely respond with “They practice situations just for this situation.”

Speaking of timeouts, never leave a huddle without knowing:

  • How many timeouts are available
  • If you have a foul to give (if needed)
  • Matchups
  • Score and time
  • The play call, offensive or defensive

Here’s another bonus for you: How can you tell if a team is ready to play?

  • Check the defensive rebounding effort . . . “live legs” tell you the energy is there
  • “Off-the-ball defense” . . . this requires mental alertness and reaction to situations . . . if this area of play is sharp, that means their minds are in the game

And finally . . . do you evaluate a player by what he can do or by what he can’t do?

Gerry V is a 21-year NBA analyst, 17-year talk radio host, a 16-year coach, and current anchor for “Fox 8 New Orleans Morning Edition”, 5 a.m. – 9 a.m. Check out Gerry V’s Sports Editorial “I’m Just Sayin” on Fox 8 “Morning Edition” at 7:50, 8:50am Mondays & Fridays . . . also hosts “Gerry V’s “Talk Back Live on 99.5 WRNO New Orleans right after every Saints Sunday Game…. Follow Gerry V on twitter (@GVTalk).

3 responses to “Weakside Eyes: Love the No Timeout Call!”

  1. I agree. I think that halting the action and adrenaline would lead to players over thinking instead of reacting. It’s the same reason I loathe the clock draining, no teamwork, iso plays to end quarters but that’s a topic for another day.

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