I was there. And I liked what I saw.
Though, I must admit, when I saw Gordon in street clothes same as Ayon, I was a bit creastfallen. “Where are we gonna get those 20ish points from?” But Jarrett Jack lead the way with 21. Landry gave 20. Okafor gave 13. Kaman came off the bench for 12. And we made up any other descrepency with suffocating D.
Repeatedly we drove the Celtics deep into the shot clock. Arms were getting in passing lanes, feet were moving, players were working together and communicating and we got hands on basketballs. +11 on the boards. My going theory is to treat each additional board like a point and a half. That comes to about 17 points difference, coupled with all the blocks and steals.
Excellent defensive game, pretty much. Monty is going to have it so no team with fewer than two go to scores will beat us consistently on the offensive end. That was top 3 defense I saw out there.
Vasquez has already justified his trade. We saw everything. The pretty floater, being quicker than given credit for. Cagey player that knows the game. Great size. I think he’ll be a good option to pair with Gordon to cover the SGs while Gordon sticks to the quicker points.
Aminu was solid defensively. Kinda awkward with the ball otherwise. But he’s no JuJu in the basketball brains department. He’ll learn. And under Monty, he could become another Tayshaun Prince.
Squeaky got some fans cheering for him late. Didn’t score but one point or so, but if he makes some plays, the Hive will erupt. Must be something about being local and wearing #5 that fans love.
And finally, but not leastly(lolwut?), thank you to 42 for the tix. Me and my sister really enjoyed the game a bunch.
One response to “A Great Late Christmas Gift”
congrats bro. thanks for the personal insight 🙂