Bucks vs. Hornets aka Bad Porn takes NOLA

While we all look forward to an opening night filled with West/Paul pick and pops and old school Thornton play , I thought i’d present some of the data and discuss the matchups that can’t help but worry me. 

The Bucks Rotation looks like this 

Jennings / Dooling / Boykins

Salmons / Douglas-Roberts ( might not play, got poked in the eye) / Michael “the heavy burden ” Redd

Delfino / Maggette 

Gooden / Ilysova / Mbah Abute ( both he and Ilysova may play at the 3 ) 

Bogut / Brockman (questionable) / Sanders 


I love Jennings , but ima try to limit personal musings and stick to matchups. 

PG : Chris Paul – Top 3 PG no one does more for his team , and ultimately the reason we win this game.  

Backup PG : Jerryd Bayless –  The backup battle is not so clear cut Dooling and Bayless had near identical preseason numbers at 8pts 3 assist in 20 min, with Dooling slightly out performing Bayless in the regular season last year. Bayless however has more potential to have a big game , he’s a very competitive player and will try to make an immediate impact to establish himself on a new team and make Monty look good.

SG : John Salmons – John Salmons is better than Belinelli , i’m not saying he’s on another planet but he is better . I do think Belinelli is playing with a bit of momentum and the more the Hornets begin to work out the details in practice and establish a real offensive rhythm the more dangerous he will become. 

Backup SG : Marcus Thornton –  Douglas-Roberts is without question playing better than Marcus Thornton right now , but he may only have one eye , which could mean a rotation of Salmons and Delfino at the 2 with Ilysova playing some at the 3 with Maggette. But lets not complicate this paragraph with all that and just give it to Thornton , Yeah? Alright. All Bucket’s needs is the bright lights of opening night …right ?

SF : Delfino/Maggette – Carlos Delfino is a rich man’s Belinelli with that said Ariza shouldn’t have no real problem with him in a man on man settings with an edge when it comes to length and athleticism but if our defense as a whole gets compromised and we begin to sink to the middle or get beat on screens and poor rotations Delfino could light it up . But Ariza should be fine…. the problem however isn’t with Delfino as much as Maggette  who considering the way the Hornets have been giving up fouls this preseason could have a 16-20 pt game from the strip alone.  THIS IS THE ONE THING BAD PORN CAN DO , penetrate over and over drawing foul after foul , just terrible to watch… Imagine if Peja gets stuck on him.

PF : D. West – I could ramble about Gooden’s rebounding prowess or potential match-up problems with Ilysova , but theirs no point.  David West is a Professional Basketball player bottom line , business before pleasure ,unparalleled offense succinctness , the Hemingway of the Hornets.

C : Push – Bogut is kinda like a bizarro Aaron Gray , long black hair, australian , and of course can ball.  He will also always be taller than Okafor but exactly how effective he is using the new technologies that make up his his robot arm no one knows.  He has shown spurts of defensive dominance though this preseason in his limited minutes but Bogut’s not expected to play a ton of minutes Wednesday either so if we can use big man rotation well we should be able to contain him…unless he’s better somehow.

Additional notes * 

Excited to see Rookie Larry Sanders play , if he does Bonsu should be a fine matchup . 

Jason Smith is the whitest name i’ve ever heard. 

Does anyone know who’s singing the National Anthem opening night ? 

Do not let Bad Porn Maggette live on the line. 


8 responses to “Bucks vs. Hornets aka Bad Porn takes NOLA”

  1. Lol, good read and @ Queen I think he was saying the whole Bucks team is bad porn lol. And yeah with them having that real athletic line up at SF, idk why they have Alexander and Pondexter Inactive

  2. Douglas-Roberts via his facebook:
    “I went thru hell today. Got eye surgery. Y’all won’t believe how much that procedure hurt. I’m lucky though b/c if I were a day or two late I could’ve lost my vision in my right eye. Cant play hoop for a MONTH though. :-(”

    So scratch him off the line-up for tomorrow!

  3. Warriors fans gave Maggette the bad porn nickname when he was their last year , alot of penetrating but all and all very unsatisfying

  4. Damn, the bucks lineup looks really bad (at least on paper). The hornets have to go 1-0 to start the season, otherwise you have to ask yourself who you gonna beat out there! Let’s go hornets!

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