Proposed 3 Team Trade at the Deadline

New Orleans receives: Granger (IND), Jones (IND), Biedrins (GSW), Wright (GSW)

New Orleans loses: West, Stojakovic, Collison


Indiana receives: Collison (NOH), Ellis (GSW), Stojakovic (NOH)

Indiana loses: Ford, Dunleavy, Granger, Jones


Golden State receives: Ford (IND), Dunleavy (IND), West (NOH)

Golden State loses: Ellis, Biedrins, Wright



Why for New Orleans
: We get a solid & extremely efficient Center in Andres Biedrins. We can finally move Okafor to the PF spot to form good protection and rebounding in the middle for us. We get All Star Danny Granger to fill the hole at SF & D Jones can be a great defensive-minded back up for Thronton.
We also get B Wright, who has some nice potential. I’ve always liked him as a PF. After this, we’re definite contenders.

Why for Indiana: If their season goes down the drain (it most likely will), this is the perfect trade for them! They get a great point guard in Collison, great scoring at SG with Ellis, and they have a replacement for Granger in Rush. Larry Bird already said they want to move Dunleavy and Ford, and this deal does it. They also get 14 million expiring with Stojakovic.

Why for Golden State: They now have a good force on the inside with West and David Lee. Dunleavy is a servicable SF (and 10.5 mil expiring). Also, Ford is a nice backup for Curry (and expiring). To me, the Warriors seem like the losers of this trade, but apparently Hollinger thinks they would be the clear winners with 10+ wins. I wasn’t thinking about this before, but some “sources” on ESPN said Ellis & Biedrins are on the trading block, so why not.

I see us as definite contenders if this can go through. It really makes sense for us and Indy, and apparently (thanks Hollinger) Golden State comes out as the winner.

After this, we just need to use Songaila’s expiring to get us a decent back up PG for Paul.

What do you guys think?


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