After watching the Bees get destroyed by simple jump hooks and one step moves in the paint all night against the Bucks, I thought to myself just how nice it would have been to be drunk. I mean really smashed. After hearing what my brain computed as the 400th pun from Gil and Bob tonight I thought, “man now there is a drinking game!” So brought to you by what has to be the punniest broadcast team in all of television history (forgive my pun, I just couldn’t help it my brain is becoming trained): “The Hornets Broadcast Drinking Game.
Any standard pun: 1 Drink. example: “He might go from Scott Skiles to Scott Scowls soon.” — The Gill Unit
Any pun that both Gil and Bob get involved in: 2 Drinks example: I cant remember one, but they do it all the time. One makes a pun and then the other comes back with another one immediately.
The rare Double or Triple pun: Down your drink. example: Treja Stojoko-swish
I think this will do the job of making bad games more entertaining and getting us all nice and smashed. Enjoy and let me know how it works for you. hehe