Tag: NBA

  • Breaking News: Hornets Sell 45th Pick to Knicks

    The speculation on who the Hornets would draft at number 45 has ended. Just after 10 pm central time Dell Demps came into the media room at the Hornets Headquarters and announced that the team would be selling the pick to the New York Knicks. The reaction wasn’t exactly enthusiastic, since we had been here […]

  • Dunk That Sh!t: What’s in a Name?

    Let's Go, Appropriate Team!

    Chris Savoie (via email): If and when this CBA gets settled and if and when we get a local owner who agrees to keep the team here, what do you think about a rebrand? What would the name of the team be? Colors? Logo? 42: Fun question. I like it. We sometimes don’t have enough […]

  • Offseason Targets: Small Forward

    Last offseason, the small forward position was overhauled as Trevor Ariza was brought in via trade and Quincy Pondexter was selected with the 26th pick of the NBA draft. The two brought athleticism and a much needed defensive mentality to the position, but were suspect at times on the offensive end. Ariza shot under 40% […]

  • Dunk That Sh!t: Rooting for the Mavericks?!?!

    Maverick Basketball

    In the “Dear Abby” vein . . . Ryan Arkin (via Twitter): I find myself rooting for the Mavs this postseason, mostly due to Peja and Tyson, but part of me just doesn’t feel right cheering for a division foe. What should I do? I fear that the confidence that comes with winning a title […]

  • Becoming a Hornets Fan

    Becoming a Hornets Fan

    I have an ax to grind today. For most of this season, The Fan has taken a beating in the sports world. I’m not talking about despicable events at games. That’s messed up WAY beyond what I’m talking about here. I’m talking the abstraction, the archtype, and attacks on that idea and the people that […]

  • Dunk That Sh!t: New Star

    42 Dunktastic Superstardom

    Every team has a bench, and on that bench there may just be the next superstar . . . but it’s likely that the backup just hasn’t been exposed as not being worth the role of backup . . . As I sit here at Highland Coffees in Baton Rouge with my ladyfriend and the guy that chose […]

  • Dunk that Sh!t: First Edition

    Over the summer, we will solicit questions from those of you in the community to be answered in our new daily piece, Dunk that Sh!t. No power layups here, just straight, hard core answers and facts to all of your questions. To submit your questions, either hit us up via Twitter (@hornets247) or on Facebook. […]

  • How the proposed CBA would affect Paul and the Hornets (Part Two)

    In part one, we touched on some key parts of the proposed CBA that most fans are familiar with, a hard cap and a franchise tag. In part two, we are going to look at some of the more obscure, but equally important, parts of the CBA that the league is trying to get the […]

  • How the proposed CBA would affect Paul and the Hornets (Part One)

    The facts about the proposal that the league made to the players last week have started to trickle out and surprisingly the owners are not going for the death blow that most experts assumed that they would try to deliver to the players. While NBAPA President Derek Fisher claimed that he was “disappointed” in the […]

  • How L.A. Helped LA

    When the NBA’s 2011 playoffs started, I had little love for the Lakers in my heart. I appreciated their history, their rich tradition, and their role in the NBA, even as my envy produced a simultaneous loathing. I won’t catalog their laurels as is done in the tales of old because that is pointless; these […]

  • Season Ticket Sales Update: Select-A-Seat

    In a brief break from the playoff news: Folks have been talking about attendance for a while, so here is a post addressing it.  You ask, we provide.  I was down at the Hornets’ Select-a-Seat event today. This event, for those who have never been, is where season ticket holders can walk around the Arena […]

  • Hornets247 Season Tickets

    Hornets247 community: It’s a dark hour, if not the darkest.  It’s a rainy day and the river is rising.  We are under the eyes this season, both on the court and off.  There is no need to catalog the trials we are enduring here. No . . . this is a different kind of post . […]

  • Twice in a Lifetime: A David West Lament

    I have a print in my house under a gold colored cast iron fleur-de-lis. It features Bryon Scott, Tyson Chandler, Peja Stojakovic, Chris Paul, and David West. I got it during the 2007-2008 season at a party for season ticket holders. The print means a good deal to me for a number of reasons, some […]

  • Monty Williams’ Post-Celtics Press Conference

    I went to the post-game press conference tonight. It was my first. Before Monty came into the room, I sat quietly in the back listening to Gerry V getting briefed on the NCAA activity he missed between his soft gumblings . . . 2 of 20 . . . stuff like that.  Most of the […]

  • Chalk Talk with Gil McGregor

    Before the Hornets played the Kings on March 12, 2011, I sat down with a small group of season ticket holders in a Q&A session with Hornets television announcer, Gil McGregor. Harold Kaufman, Vice President of Communications, assisted on some questions that fell into his bailiwick. Before going on with the details of the Q&A, […]

  • Stuff Money in Your Pockets, Help the Hornets

    New Orleans Hornets fans have had a crash course in all aspects of fandom in the past year.  Trades. Ownership. Coaching. Management. Sponsorship. TV deals. Leases. Attendance. Injuries. Public Relations. More Trades. Labor Deals. Playing time. It’s overwhelming. In response to this, we will have a ongoing series of posts: Being and Becoming a Hornets […]

  • Why CP3 Will not be a Knick, and the Impact of the other NBA Trade Deadline Moves on the Hornets

    The final days before the trade deadline have made for the most active deadline that I’ve seen since I started seriously following the NBA, which accounts for about a decade. Tons of moves were made, and although only one of them directly involved the Hornets, many of these deals will indirectly affect them. Highlighting this group of […]

  • Q&A Session with New Orleans Hornets’ GM Dell Demps

    Before Saturday night’s Hornets vs. Spurs game, my good friend and I were lucky enough to be able to take part in a great 45 minute question and answer session with the General Manager of the New Orleans Hornets, Mr. Dell Demps. Going into the Q&A, we both were excited for the opportunity to hear […]

  • Gotta Support the Team . . .

    Writers have been saying for years that New Orleans is not a pro sports town, and that we won’t keep the Saints or the Hornets.  Some even say we don’t deserve them.  I’m sick and tired of it.  You know who can’t support professional sports? L.A. They let 2 NFL teams walk (in the past […]

  • Hornets247 Predicts the 2010-2011 NBA season

    On the eve of the regular season, Hornets247 is ready to make our predictions. No time to waste, so lets get right to it. MVP Michael McNamara: Kevin Durant- 33 PPG for #1 seed in the West. Joe Gerrity: Kevin Durant ROY MM: John Wall JG: Blake Griffin