Author: baldbobbo

  • A Different Kind of Coach

    In today’s article, Ryan did a paragraph about Coach Monty that really focused on the strategy difference between himself and his two predecessors. However, I want to talk about something else – his general attitude. Watching these three guys on the court is very different – Scott looking calm but annoyed with his arms crossed, […]

  • Play for Melo?

    I really don’t want the Hornets to get Carmelo. There’s been plenty of talk about him, and how we’d need to give up Thorton in order to get him. To all of that, I’d say bullcrap. But after yesterday’s trade, I’m now concerned that this is exactly what the front office is trying to do- […]

  • Just wondering…

    …is it just me, or does the opposing team start going on large runs whenever Posey is in? It seems like the only way to stop the bleeding is to put in four starters with him, or take him out of the game. No idea why, I’ll have to look at the numbers later.