Tag: Christopher Romaguera

  • Pelicans Scoop: Another Trade Deadline Letdown

    Hundreds, nay thousands, of trade machine proposals were thrown around the interwebs by Pelicans fan, yet nobody got it right. Jarnell Stokes for a protected 2nd round pick was not the move Pelicans fans were hoping for. Some wanted a guy who could help them win now, others wanted a young prospect, and most wanted […]

  • Pelicans Scoop: Season Preview Edition

    1) The big story out of training camp was injuries. How do you see these early season injuries affecting the Pelicans both in the short and long term? Can they stay afloat? Ryan Schwan: I want to say “crippling” but that’s overstating the case.  It is more like . . . losing a toe?  The […]

  • Notes from Underground: Practice 11.6

    They were working on Eric Gordon’s baseline three point shot throughout the practice, he was looking good. Didn’t miss until I made a comment. Tyreke Evans’ was the last guy at practice, working on catch and shoots from three point and mid-range shots as well. Balance will be key with his jumpshot. He was definitely […]