Hornets247.com Live Video Interactive Chat
Hornets 247 Live! Pre-Draft Video Chat
Please join us and keep the questions coming as we discuss all the rumors and possibilities right up to the first pick.
Live Interactive Video Chat: NBA Draft Lottery (HORNETS WIN!)
http://www.vokle.com/events/64871-hornets247-live-on-lotto-night That’s the video for our live podcast. And if you just wanna go to the part where I lose my ish- go to 49:45
Hornets247 Live Interactive Video Chat: Season Recap Show
Chat About Marcus Thornton (plus a reminder about the comment policy)
Today at 1pm ct Hornets247 will be hosting a Marcus Thornton themed chat. This is being done because lately the debate has been getting passionate, and we want to give you a means to express your feelings in a place that isn’t every single game on post and recap, regardless of how Marcus played. After […]