Tag: Asik

  • In the NO Pod Ep 284: MegaPod on Jrue, Off-season and the Draft

    Two full hours of Pelicans, my friends. We talk the myriad of options this off-season, including Jrue leaving or staying, which is better, Kyle Lowry, Chris Paul, moving Asik for something, Allen Crabbe, Loul Deng, and if Jrue is actually a needle mover in the first place. We also break down the guys we like […]

  • Some of My New Orleans Pelicans Claims After 5 Games

    In the past couple of weeks, I’ve raised some points and made some claims about the New Orleans Pelicans. Let’s do quick check-in after 5 games, see what’s happening. About the Spurs Game Turnovers: The Pelicans did in fact keep up their protection of the ball (11 v 18 turnovers, 11% v 16% TOV%). Shooting: […]

  • In the NO Podcast Episode 183: Asik!

    Michael and I break down the Asik trade – what he means to the team offensively, defensively, salary cap-wise, and how he immediately upgrades the team’s boardwork. On the flip side, we talk his high turnover rate, how he quit on his team last year, and if we should be concerned about the fact his […]