Author: Stefan

  • Uncle Monty Says


  • Best 1st Round Matchup

    As of today, the Hornets sit at the 5th spot in the Western Conference, but they’re only 2.5 games ahead of the 9th spot as well. The Mavs will be impossible to catch for 2nd in the Southwest Division, so our obvious ceiling as far as playoff seeding goes is the 5th spot. Assuming the […]

  • Optimism.

    As we all wake up with that smile from last night’s thriller still attached to our faces, we can’t help but be optimistic about our future. Even the very pessimistic realistic Michael McNamara, who has justly reminded us in the past about how we shouldn’t think too much of our 11-1 start to the season, […]

  • No Shave Goatee

    At the beginning of the month, I started ‘No Shave November’ just like everyone else. Unfortunately, I’m Serbian, so I grew a Belinelli/Stojakovic beard very easily. I had to shave most of it off for a number of reasons, but I came up with a Hornets-related idea; I only left my chin unshaved & I […]

  • NBA Fantasy League

    I’ll be starting a fantasy league within the next few days for anyone interested.  Let me know if you’d like to join. You can just post your email in the comments for me to send you an invite or you can email me at