Pelicans Scoop: 15 Game Temperature Check, Wizards Players

ESPN just released a report saying Washington is willing to hear offers on all of their players including Beal and Wall. Would you go after those two and what are you willing to give up?


Shamit – I said this before for Paul George, and I will stick by it for Beal – you give up anything not named Davis or Holiday for a player of that caliber. There are not many opportunities to secure long term talent like Beal, and the Pelicans should pounce if given the opportunity. Beal gives you so much of what the Pelicans need to take that next step. He immediately provides a credible ball handler who is adept at running the pick and roll. He also provides a wing who is a threat at all three levels and can create for himself off the dribble. Fits like this are hard to come by, and a core of Holiday-Beal-Davis keeps you competitive for a very long time. Plus, if you need to blow it up, all three can fetch assets and players. Just make the move.

Oh, and I have no earthly interest in Wall unless the Pelicans are getting picks.


Michael – Like Shamit, I think anyone outside of Jrue/AD is replaceable, though I think Mirotic’s value to this team exceeds his trade value, and that makes any potential Mirotic trade hard to swallow.  For Beal, I’d give up multiple pieces for the extra ball-handling, scoring, and shooting. I think a Jrue-Beal backcourt would be excellent and that they could roll out some stout three guard lineups depending on who is left behind (Payton, Moore). Wall’s contract is hard for me to accept, though he would be dynamite pick/roll partner for Davis and would make our backcourt terrifyingly athletic.


Mason –  The only John Wall trade that I would make is one that the Wizards would not accept, so it’s not even worth discussing. Regarding Beal – I align strongly with both Shamit and Michael regarding the fit. Furthermore, he is under contract for two more seasons after the current one, and he’s a few months younger than AD (both are 25). I’d move a couple of firsts to get him without thinking twice.


Ryan H – There are arguments for any three of Wall, Porter, Beal I can see from the wizards. Beal gives you an offensive guard microwave that the team just does not have. Jrue and Beal could coexist like Lillard and McCollum since there is enough playmaking and ball handling split between the two. Dell has also shown in previous years talent overcomes redundancy in skill set – trading for Cousins / signing Randle. Any trade for Porter finally gives you the competent 6’6″ – 6’9″ guy the pelicans have lacked for years although his contract is not ideal (Pelicans fans you do not pay the 15% trade kicker, that stays with the original team so that doesn’t get added to the Pelicans books), but, hey, it isn’t your money. In any trade for Wall, his future extension kicking looming makes any other Pelican that isn’t under upcoming contract harder to retain. Though if Dell went to Davis and said, I have this trade set up but I need commitment, I would do it if Davis committed. In any case, Dell Demps has been aggressive pursuing trades since the moment he stepped foot in New Orleans and after being in the final 3 Jimmy Butler contest, so I don’t think he is settling. This gets said every year, but this is the most pivotal offseason in franchise history due to Davis’ contract extension eligibility, so I don’t think he is going to go for mediocre.


Jesse – If Dell can create an opportunity to snag Beal, I believe it should be considered a once in a lifetime opportunity. Guards are a dime a dozen in today’s small ball NBA, and there are plenty of combo guards with a scoring mentality to go around. However, traditional shooting guards 6’5 and taller are a commodity that is hard to come by. We’re talking about a player that was compared to Ray Allen early in his career, and at age 25, he’s still adding tools to his box. Adding Beal, at any cost outside of Holiday and Davis, would be a franchise milestone and the closest thing the Pelicans would be able to do to adding a player of Klay Thompson’s level.


42 – Beal is the play. “Smothercation” has been my defensive dream, and he’s got the offensive skills to fit with the main guys. I’d try to see if they would take Moore, Hill and an unprotected pick for him and Howard if they view him as a negative . . . try to get them under the tax (this should save them about $10m if they can work Howard in for small pieces for Washington to move by the deadline, say, Frazier and Okafor once you renegotiate their salary to guaranteed, or Clark instead of one of them if he agreed), plus reduce the number of free agent positions for next season and give them a pick. Negotiate from there, especially if the market for Beal shows up . . . though I’m not sure it will given the free agent class coming up. You would need a good read on Randle to move Mirotic . . . clearly, not Davis, not Holiday, but I’m looking to start there and work around the edges. I’d do a pick swap for next season, but I wouldn’t complicate my cap beyond that. I’d do a good deal to get him here, don’t get me wrong . . . I just think it might not take THAT much compared to his value to this team to do it. Wall is too crippling, so I only do that if Davis personally asks for it and commits, and I have no reason to think he would ask for it.


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