In the NO Pod Ep. 279: Ugly Games, but is there progress?

Though we’re still trying to wash the bad taste out of our mouths from that Utah game, Mike and I take a step back and review the last 4 games. We see good, bad, progress, and some major struggles getting penetration. We bag Jrue, defend Jrue, say bad things about Boogie, argue about the team having AD and Boogie hanging out on the perimeter, and talk about what we feel is the most pressing need for next season.

Lots to talk about!

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One response to “In the NO Pod Ep. 279: Ugly Games, but is there progress?”

  1. First, I want to say that I’m a fan of the podcast, and I’ve listened for years. That being said, I wish you guys would spend more time focusing on the positives and hope for the future. I feel like this podcast had barely any focus on the fact that we’re getting wide open shots, the fact that it took LeBron and Wade and Bosh (pretty high IQ players with a good coach) a long time to gel, or the fact that our schedule has been pretty tough since we acquired Cousins, and we’ve won our games against below-500 teams. If you spent less time saying we have low IQ players and focused more on what we can do to improve or what we have to look forward to, I personally would enjoy the podcast more.

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