Pelicans Drop Another Game Against the Nuggets

I really don’t know what else to say about this team. We can discount injuries and point out the other issues, but the fact of the matter is that some of the lineups we saw tonight won’t work in the NBA. It doesn’t matter what system you use or who’s the coach. There just wasn’t enough talent. Look, I understand the argument that there are other issues than just the injuries. I agree, but the biggest problem is the roster.

This was the first night that there were big screams of  tanking on twitter. I’m sure we will have some more in depth work about that on the site soon. Here’s the thing. If our health doesn’t improve or AD keeps missing time with nagging injuries, we won’t need to intentionally tank. We’ll just keep losing.

Ugh. Here are some notes.

  • Gee, Smith, Douglas and Babbitt played 103 minutes tonight. Babbitt was the biggest guy on the floor at one point. Welp.
  • Ajinca didn’t see the court until the second half. He made a couple of shots, but he also picked up 3 fouls in 4 minutes. Perhaps, there is an argument to be made that he needs to find a rhythm, but fouling has always been his Achilles heel. We’ve talked about how he improved last season, but he still managed 5.7 fouls per 36. More importantly, it has become clear that Ajinca will have to prove he deserves minutes. Maybe that’s unfair, but it looks like those are the rules.
  • I thought Gallinari and Barton could both have big games. They scored a combined 49 points on 31 shots. They also had a combined 15 rebounds and 10 assists.
  • Anderson and Gordon both played admirably. I’m not saying they played incredibly well, but they are both being asked to do so much more than they should. Given the circumstances, I thought they had good nights.
  • Omer Asik didn’t play tonight. I don’t think he would’ve changed the outcome, but his rebounding would’ve helped. The Nuggets out rebounded the Pelicans 43 to 33.
  • The big news, again, is that Anthony Davis hurt his left shoulder in the game. As Michael McNamara pointed out on twitter, AD is not intentionally ducking games for any reason. He stands to make an extra 25 million, if he reaches an all-NBA team this year. That won’t happen from the bench.

The Pelicans play again tomorrow night against OKC. There are reports that Kevin Durant will be back for the game. So don’t say things can’t get worse.

4 responses to “Pelicans Drop Another Game Against the Nuggets”

  1. No the big news is that Jrue got outplayed once again by Smith – could anything bode worst for the Pels long-term than Holiday proving to be a bust?

  2. In reality the Pelicans and as well the Saints are going to be a mess till old man Benson pass the torch to Gayle or out the blue he sell both teams to outside interest. The Pels was smart to extend Anthony Davis long term but as the Pelicans get more worse we could hear trade rumors before you know it.

  3. The only word that comes to mind at this point is…..hilarious.
    It’s hilarious.
    How is this even possible? 
    Half the team gets injured in the preseason. We’re relying heavily on 3-5 D-League players every night. The small cast of good players we have at our disposal get injured and return to replace another good player who gets injured, or contracts a stomach illness, or sits out because of yet another back-to-back. 
    The one game we win, our star player gets injured and misses the next two, both winnable games. 
    And there is literally nothing that can be done about it.
    All this, and we’re only 11 games into the season.
    No way to describe it other than “hilarious.” It feels like a poorly written script for a sports-themed comedy movie.

  4. My God, we have to be cursed. Injuries, sickness and lack of NBA players are killing us. I think I need to watch all games at Tracey’s to drown my sorrows if that’s possible.

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