The Warriors get their Rings and a Win on Opening Night

It’s never fun to write about these types of games. First, it’s a loss, and no one enjoys that. Second, it was just a weird game. AD was off. Kendrick Perkins was on. Ish Smith looked like he’d gelled with the team despite signing yesterday. It was just… strange.

Still, it’s hard to be too disappointed. The Pelicans didn’t have much of a shot in the first place, and once the news broke that Jrue would sit this game out, all remaining hope pretty much vanished. That left the Pelicans with 9 players in uniform. The minimum requirement is 8. Yeah, our injuries are that bad right now. The good news is Ajinca came back, and I thought he played pretty well. He was a little foul prone as usual, but he actually had the second best plus minus on the team.

The best plus minus went to Ish Smith, who really exceeded all of my expectations. He finished with a stat line of 17 points, 9 assists and 3 steals in 38 minutes. Frankly, I didn’t expect him to get more than half that many minutes, and I’m not sure he would have had it not been for Nate Robinson getting into foul trouble. He’s not the second coming, and his game is limited. Still, we clearly need someone to take those minutes.

Of course, we all know the real big story. The one that I’m so clearly trying to avoid. AD was bad. No, I mean really bad. In fact, that has to be statistically the worst he’s played as a Pelican. I’m not sure exactly what was wrong. Golden State certainly deserves credit, but it looked to me like it started from the first plays of the game. The Pelicans went to AD three times in a row for their first three plays. He went one for three, and he just looked rushed and anxious. He never really settled down.

For the rest of the game he looked frustrated and overwhelmed. He played bad defense. He didn’t rebound. He committed 5 turnovers. Oh, and he ended up shooting 4-20 from the floor. Even his free throw shooting was off!

I understand how some people could be frustrated and concerned, but every player has bad games. It just happens. Remember the Warriors were the most efficient defense and the fastest team in the league last year, and despite what some analyst might suggest, Draymond Green is a great individual defender. This just wasn’t Anthony’s night.

The best news I can give you is that we don’t have to wait long to get this one out of our heads. The Pelicans take on the Blazers tomorrow night! Oh, and they only have to play the Warriors two more times!


  • Point Guard Rotation – With Tyreke and Norris out, I was interested to see how the point guard rotation would shake out. With Jrue on a minute restriction, we needed someone or a group of someones to come in and play somewhere between 28 – 33 minutes. Ish Smith made a heck of a case for that job. His only real competition, Nate Robinson, was in foul trouble most of the night. I also though Nate struggled to get the offense going a bit.
  • Rebounding – Consider this. The Pelicans took 83 shots. Golden State took 96. They also had 2 more turnovers than the Pelicans. How did they generate all those extra shots? By winning the offensive rebounding battle by a margin of 13 (21-8) and the total rebounding battle by a margin of 23 (56-33). The Pels just have to be better on the boards.
  • Kendrick Perkins – What can I even say? At first, his buckets were coming off favorable switches and attention being drawn elsewhere, but by the end of it, he was actually making plays. He ended the night 5-5 from the floor. Despite dominating, Perk only played 16 mins. I guess Gentry doesn’t believe he can be the future. We’ll see.
  • 3 Point Shooting – For all that off season talk, the Pelicans only attempted 18 3s, which was actually below their average for last year. That’s not too surprising, though. Good defense takes away the 3, and Golden State has a very good defense. Still, the Pelicans did hit on 6 of their 18 attempts. That’s not an average anyone is happy with, but it wasn’t the biggest reason for the loss.
  • Dante Cunningham – I don’t think he had a huge impact, but his 2-3 from deep is interesting to me. If he can hit that corner three at a reasonable rate and still defend well, he’ll really help with this whole pace and space thing.
  • Ryan Anderson – I was just as surprised as all of you that it took so long for Ryno to get off the bench. He did end up with 29 minutes, but he just wasn’t as involved as I expected. He could still be finding his place in the offense, or maybe Gentry felt it was a bad match up for him. I’m not sure, but I hope it isn’t a trend that continues.
  • Curry – I’ve had three separate arguments this summer about Stephen Curry. Three different people told me he was only “pretty good” and was “overrated”. Apparently, he’s just been getting lucky and will soon “regress to the mean”. Whatever. I say the guy is incredible. That 1st quarter was something special.

Sorry, this report is coming in a little bit short, but it is very late where I am. I need some sleep. I’m also sorry if there are any typos I missed.

We will have game coverage tomorrow for the Trailblazers, and we look forward to bringing you the latest news and analysis for the Pelicans. See you guys tomorrow.

7 responses to “The Warriors get their Rings and a Win on Opening Night”

  1. Without Jrue or Tyreke to probe and threaten defense off the dribble, AD is not going to get the same space to get his mid range and outside game going.  Pels need to put him on the box and also get him the ball closer to the basket with pick and roll plays.  Let him score and make plays for others with the inside out game.  But AD did not look willing to mix it up physically — especially with Draymond Green.  Why would he constantly turn and face up the guy who is so much shorter but just as quick?  He’s giving up his advantage. He needs to take it inside, slow down his moves, show us the jump hook, and relish the contact.  This is even more important with the team on the floor around him for now.

  2. You can make all the excuses you want, but the bottom line
    is this was a horribly coached game for the Pelicans, especially in light of all
    the off season hype about how great this coaching staff was
    going to be.Best I could tell, here was
    the offensive game plan to start the game:“Nate, you dribble the ball up the court and then pass it to AD for an
    iso, no matter how far away from the basket he is.”I couldn’t tell what the defensive
    game plan was supposed to be at the start of the game.It certainly didn’t include our potential
    defensive player of the year as its centerpiece.Only a belated decision to start double-teaming
    Steph Curry plus some surprise scoring by Kendrick Perkins, Ish Smith and
    Alonzo Gee made last night’s game somewhat competitive.When you think about it, it’s really stunning
    that Alvin Gentry and Darren Erman had the Pelicans so unprepared to play
    Golden State in the season opener.

  3. Come On Pelican It’s not the coaches’ fault we’re riddled with injury and forced to play D-leaguers.  I’m amazed we didn’t lose by 30, between that and Davis’ poor showing.

  4. Caffeinedisaster 

    I saw a coaching staff that constantly had its Top 10 NBA
    rebounder from last season (AD23) out of position to make rebounds, had last
    season’s #2 catch and shoot 3 point shooter in the league (Eric Gordon) trying
    to penetrate to the basket with his shot knees, had its 6’ 10” 3 point bomber (Ryan
    Anderson) actually trying to play power forward for some unknown reason, and
    had its 3rd string center (Kendrick Perkins) who somehow had an
    amazing scoring output (probably his best offensive game in 3 years) sitting on
    the bench for 32 minutes.  Other than –
    belatedly – deciding to sub Ish Smith for starter Nate Robinson and double-teaming
    Steph Curry, what evidence of good Pelicans coaching did you see on the court
    last night in Oakland?

  5. Come On Pelican Caffeinedisaster Nate-Rob in foul trouble.  I’m certain Ish wasn’t their first, but ONLY choice.  Nobody’s shots were falling except Dante/Perkins/Ish/.  That’s not a good recipe for any team.
    Did you really expect us to win that game, against the defending champs with Davis struggling and no Tyreke/Asik/Holiday/Babbitt?
    Come ON Pelican!

  6. I might as well say it now.  My concern this year was “running it back” with a new coaching staff, cause that is not really “running it back”.  To me, this team with its new coaching staff was going to have a high probability to start slow BEFORE the injuries started mounting.  The injuries only increased the likelihood of a slow start and increased the probable length of that slow start.  All I care about is that the length of any “adjustment period” for this team not be so long that it knocks us out of the playoffs.

  7. Caffeinedisaster

    I just hope these current Pelicans coaches realize and
    immediately start taking steps to correct their first huge mistake:AD23 is the
    consensus-best-power-forward-in-the-world for a reason, and it’s wrong to try
    to turn him into some type of hybrid between Kevin Durant & LeBron James.

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