Watch Party Saturday, February 21st @ Tracey’s!

Mardi Gras may have ended but that doesn’t mean we have to stop having fun! And what’s more fun than a Pelicans’ victory? For us at Bourbon Street Shots there isn’t much. So this coming Saturday, February 21st, we’re having our monthly watch party at Tracey’s on Magazine Street! Come talk Pelicans with our writers and fellow Pelicans’ fans, and watch the Pelicans beat the Miami Heat. Really, if you think about it, our parties are the reason for Eric Gordon’s recent play.

Tracey's logo 0211What You Need To Know

When: Saturday February 21st at 6:30 pm central. But we’ll be there early to talk hoops.

Where: Tracey’s Original Irish Channel Bar. Third and Magazine Street.

Who: Bourbon Street Shots. And You!

The Result: A scorched Miami Heat.

3 responses to “Watch Party Saturday, February 21st @ Tracey’s!”

  1. Soooo…. guess the trade deadline will get more interesting for us now that we know that Jrue is out at least 3 more weeks…if not more…sad…

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