In the NO Podcast Ep 194: Davis barking, Evans unfinished

Michael and I unleash a swath of Anthony Davis appreciation before moving on to the much more flawed team. We focus greatly on Tyreke Evans and his finishing struggles, wonder at Asik’s place among Hornet/Pelican centers, enjoy the hell out of Ryan Anderson, and preview the Lakers and Minnesota.

Good times!

Enjoy the Podcast!

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2 responses to “In the NO Podcast Ep 194: Davis barking, Evans unfinished”

  1. nice podcast. if I could add 1 skill to AD’s game it would be ball handling. imagine if he got the rebound and immediately pushed it. he gets down court in like 4 strides, all he would need is a simple crossover and maybe a behind the back move to beat that 1 guy that tries to stop him then it would be an easy dunk for 2. that would be about 10 extra points each night
    however, I wouldn’t be opposed to passing. if he became a better passer this guy would lead the league, past and present, in quadruple-doubles. the team would play a lot better too with the offense being able to run through AD

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