New Orleans Pelicans @ Cleveland Cavaliers: Open Thread

The New Orleans Pelicans’ win against the San Antonio Spurs Saturday night is just 1 out of 82. But that win felt really good. As McNamara pointed out, this is a confidence building win for this young, talented team. It’s a win that gives off a sense of We can do this. Tonight the Pelicans can follow-up with a win over another NBA championship favorite, the Cleveland Cavaliers.

That feeling of confidence isn’t just exclusive to the team. It applies to the fans as well. The Cavaliers are off to a rocky start this season, have maybe the most talent in the league, and will not be a pushover at home. Yet, I am irrationally confident in the Pelicans winning tonight. These victories feel so much better when they happen before the team is eliminated from the playoffs.

With that in mind, let’s all watch it together!

Tonight, Bourbon Street Shots is having our first watch party at Tracey’s on Magazine Street. The game tips off at 6, but our writers will be there early talking Pelicans. And probably having wing sauce all over their faces as well. If you’ve been to any of our events there before you know they are a lot of fun. Tracey’s is also family friendly so bring your whole crew. You may have also seen some more activity on the Bourbon Street Shots YouTube page this season. We want to bring you content in more ways, so we’ll be out there tonight getting fans’ takes on the season thus far for the site. Come out, meet the people behind the usernames, and let’s watch a Pelicans’ victory together.

But until 6pm tonight: What’s your prediction for the score, Anthony Davis’ stat line tonight, and do you think Eric Gordon string back to back good games together?

14 responses to “New Orleans Pelicans @ Cleveland Cavaliers: Open Thread”

  1. I just want a AD throw down on love/bron would make my day lol. I’m interested in seeing the match ups holiday vs Irving should be interesting especially with bron telling Irving to basicly shoot less and play better lol. I think this is a perfect time to be getting Cleveland even tho we are else have problems they seem to have slightly more. And I think we see AD on BRON some tonight thoughts?

  2. Man I hope they go small so we can see born vs. brow, but I predict they play big to match up with us so born plays more 3.  Of course that works in our favor as bigs are not exactly a strength of their team.  Like holiday to slow down kyrie and ad to slow down klove. hope he gets to show him how adept he is at blocking shots on the perimeter/ 3pt area. 
    I’m feeling a win tonight as I think we are still due for our first great shooting  game of the year, with ryno and gordon especially due for hot shooting games.
    Speaking of gordon, I do expect him to bounce back tonight as his confidence creeps back- as I wrote on the prior thread, I think all of the hand-wringing over gordon is very premature-  He is in a slump, something all scorers go through.  Most seem to agree that he looks great physically, therefore his problem must be mental.  Loss of confidence is the primary cause of shooting slumps it seems to me. He had the misfortune of having one at the beginning of the season when everything is under the microscope and everything is small sample size, compounded by the fact that he is the player most under the microscope (at least the negative viewing one).  I predict he will be fine.  His numbers will begin to even out shortly.

  3. by the way,  I’m surprised I haven’t seen it noted on the site that Jordan Hamilton was waived a few days ago.  Doesn’t he seem preferable to any and all of our current small forwards?!?

  4. I liked the minutes distribution against the Spurs much better than previous games, especially for bench guys.
    Rivers – 17
    Fredette – 10
    Salmons – 5
    Ajinca – 8
    10-11 minutes for Fredette is much more manageable than the 18 he played in the opener after Jrue had to get those stitches. If he can play 10-11 minutes and average about two 3-pointers a game in that time, I’d be happy. Rivers could get closer to 20 with the way he’s playing. I mean Gordon played more minutes than Davis against SA, surely we can shave 2 minutes off his 36 and send them over to the hot hand in Rivers.

  5. Houpgarou Any time you can gran a guy who is said to be a low IQ player and not good for the locker room that Denver, Houston, Toronto and Utah had no use for then you gotta go get him!

  6. Michael McNamara Houpgarou Don’t know about the low iq or locker room part, but other gms had no use for ajinca, ayon, babbit, brian roberts, jimmer, and to a lesser extent morrow, vasquez and rolo.  Dell is not above the reclamation project.

  7. Wanted to attend the watch party badly but its not gonna work out for the longish drive to get there…
    Pels 104, Cavs 98
    Davis 29pts, 18reb, 4blks,2 asst
    Gordon 9-13pts

  8. Awesome 1st qtr! Guys are playing with confidence and aggression. Tyreke did a great job on Lebron…bench does their job as Ryno and Rivers each hit their first two threes!

  9. Awesome 1st qtr! Guys are playing with confidence and aggression. Tyreke did a great job on Lebron…bench does their job as Ryno and Rivers each hit their first two threes!

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