In the NO Podcast Episode 180: NBA Lottery Balls!

The NBA Draft Lottery is right around the corner! With a 4% chance of keeping the pick, Michael and I take this last chance to dream about what would happen if the team did land a top-3 pick. Would we prefer to trade it? For whom? Does it matter if it’s the first, second or third pick? We also talk Tyreke Evans surgery, Eric Gordon, and going back and watching the team when it had it’s finishing five/core four.

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3 responses to “In the NO Podcast Episode 180: NBA Lottery Balls!”

  1. If I could miraculously draft anyone in 2014, it’d be Wiggins.
    Anyone else…….trade.

  2. I can’t even say I’d trade the first pick for Drummond.
    I’d rather have Wiggins because I feel like he’d fit much better with the core 4 and has a higher ceiling. 
    A finishing 5 with Drummond would not allow us to utilize our best players at the end of games since we can’t have both Anderson and Drummond on the court with Davis (especially with Drummond’s abysmal free throw percentage).

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