Trew 2 The Game #4: Let’s Go the Polls

Welcome to the fourth weekly installment of the lighter side of Pelicans reporting, Trew 2 the Game. Not a lot of action this week as Greg Oden remains unsigned, Dell Demps remains awesome and the remains of the Hornets brand appears to be heading back to Charlotte (but we all saw that coming, right?). In celebration of our team dominating the offseason (sorry, Brooklyn) let’s go to the polls, share a smile and consider ourselves a little bit closer to tip-off.



The best part of the offseason moves is how happy everyone looks in the press conference photos. Look at Dell Demps, patting Jrue on the back like he’s known him forever. Jrue can’t wait to put on his new hat and this should not be overlooked. When NBA fans start referring to “rebuilding the Pelicans way” as opposed to the “OKC way” let’s all remember photos like this. Especially in three years when we don’t trade our James Harden.

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In last week’s virtual select-a-seat event I was tickled when I saw how few seats (the green) appeared to be available. The entire upper bowl was full (edit: some of this is for group sales, but still). How exciting is that? No more jokes about empty seats! Also, no more propping your feet up on the seat in front of you. But that’s ok, Pels fans – home court advantage is about to become a very real thing.

[polldaddy poll=7270940]


Whoa, this photo is kind of intense.

[polldaddy poll=7271037]


Posts from the future
NBA All-Star Weekend takes over New Orleans a couple of weeks before Mardi Gras takes over New Orleans and you should begin preparing your entire body for that assault. Drink a gallon of water right now, before you read another sentence.

In honor of the event taking place in our freshly renovated arena, here’s a list of best case scenario headlines surrounding the event and our freshly renovated squad. Feel free to leave your own in the comments.

Jrue Holliday Starts All Star Game Over Chris Paul
Chris Paul literally hands a torch to Jrue Holliday

Ryan Anderson Channels Larry Bird in 3 Point Shootout
He does the finger in the air thing after every single shot and still has time to sink them all

Austin Rivers Wins Skills Competition Blindfolded
He’s the best player selected 10th in the history of the draft

Eric Gordon Wins Dunk Contest
Crowd goes wild as he puts on vintage Chris Andersen Hornets jersey and completes full court sprint dunk on first try

Greg Oden Throws Killer Party
Pelicans center averages 12 points, 12 rebounds and invites everyone to his mansion uptown


Really love this picture of Jrue sporting the Flyers skull cap. Pro athletes adopting the team they are sharing the city with is one of my favorite things in the world. The first person who finds a picture of Jrue Holliday wearing a Saints, Voodoo or Zephyrs skull cap gets a very special shoutout in this column. The first person who finds a picture of Jrue Holliday wearing a Jesters skull cap gets one of these questionable Tyreke Evans bling pieces.


Announcing: TweetBag! 
Starting next week I’ll take a handful of fun questions via the Trew 2 the Game twitter account and address the topic here on the column. Let’s get weird.



Chris Trew is a comedian living in New Orleans and Austin. He performs weekly at the nerve center of Nola Comedy, The New Movement. Trew 2 the Game appears every Tuesday on Bourbon Street Shots.

22 responses to “Trew 2 The Game #4: Let’s Go the Polls”

  1. Pelicans Dominate All Star West Squad
    Davis, Holiday, Oden, and Evans all voted in as 2nd ranked West Pelicans become NBA’s America’s Team…Anderson and Gordon ultimately make it as alternates as some players drop out in protest of not getting enough fan votes…Monty Williams selected as head coach and says he’s just happy to be here so he can learn, but is concerned about team defense in the game…wants to try to bring down average score from 148 to 98…
    BTW…many upperbowl seats blanked out for group sales…
    And don’t forget the Name That Theme contest for our new players before they screw it up like they did for Anderson!

  2. Anyone voting that pic of gause in nostrils as “Rickey Jackson tough” needs to grovel and beg forgiveness of a real man who played linebacker with a broken jaw.

  3. I need to see some actual basketball. I am now haunting myself with thoughts of 
    *signing Jeff Teague instead of Tyreke 
    * keeping Nerlens. 
    *Suck like crazy next year and then
    * make real serious offers of Nerlens and 2014 #1 for Wiggins.
    * ?
    * Profit.

    • Caffeinedisaster That is a fantastic read…thanks for posting it.  Truly inspiring for Pel fans! I wonder, however, if Jrue let the “jersey” cat out of the bag on accident?

      • Pelican Poster Caffeinedisaster 
        I think he leaked it “by design”.

      • Caffeinedisaster Pelican Poster I’m not so sure…I don’t think they like to operate that way. Generally a big press briefing announcing it, then a media covered meeting. Jrue at practice in Vegas just doesn’t add up for me as a plan, though letting it “loose’ to an SI reporter might.

    • Caffeinedisaster That is a fantastic read…thanks for posting it.  Truly inspiring for Pel fans! I wonder, however, if Jrue let the “jersey” cat out of the bag on accident?

  4. Anyone watch Sports Center tonight? Out of 4 highlight plays shown from the Team USA scrimmage game, 3 of them featured Anthony Davis plays, including one that was a blocked shot resulting in him taking the ball coast to coast down the court for a dunk. That was pretty special to see AD as the obvious star of the game, seeing as it was a Team USA v. Team USA game. Of course, Monty Wiliams was the coach of his team, that was nice.

    • RobertWelch AD was on the blue team….Monty coached the white team with Jrue and Ryan on it.  Guys hardly threw to Anderson while he was in the game.  I did see him drain one three before I stopped watching after the end of the 3rd.  Monty’s team wins 128-106.
      Holiday 12pts, 5ast, 7reb; AD 22pts, 7reb, Ryno unknown stats…

      • Pelican Poster thanks for clarifying, the SC highlight clip seemed to indicate AD was on the team Monty coached. They did show one of AD’s jumpers going in clean, along with the block/coast-to-coast dunk, the latter making the top 10 highlight reel for the day.
        Those are some good numbers for Holiday-AD, hope they are indicative of things to come. I’m fine with Monty’s team winning, although you’d think his team would find Ryno more.

  5. Gordon is in the Philippines with James Harden for NBA 3x a massive 3-on-3 tournament.  Check out his old just-got-traded-to-the-Hornets moniker:

  6. Man that blocked alley oop to coast coast monster dunk was Niiiiiiiiceeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I replayed it like 8 times last night while watching the game…. getting my FIX for NBA action!

  7. Did everyone take vacation at the same time? No new articles in a week. I need some new content.

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