A Detailed Look at the Market for Greivis Vasquez

As much as we loved Greivis Vasquez giving his all for the New Orleans Pelicans last year, the writing appears to be on the wall for the league’s Most Improved Player runner-up. Greivis Vasquez will be moved at some point this summer. With the trade for Jrue Holiday and the selection of Pierre Jackson, combined with the need to get Austin Rivers minutes in order to continue his development, it looks like Vasquez is the odd man out. The good news is that Vasquez’s trade value is at its absolute peak after a fantastic season statistically. Combine that with the fact that he is set to make just a hair over two million dollars next season, and you can imagine that several suitors should be lined up to secure his services.

In this piece, we will take a look at what the Pelicans might want in return, and which interested teams can put together a trade that might be appealing to Dell Demps.

What Does Dell Want in Return?

1. A Future First Round Pick

Trading Vasquez for a future pick helps open up some additional cap space for a free agent or trade while also giving Dell an asset to use down the line. Though a future first round pick won’t help the Pelicans win any games this year, it might be the ideal item to get back in return because it won’t count against the cap this season.

2. A Euro Stash

In addition to several guys taken in Thursday draft, there are numerous players whose rights are owned by NBA teams that are playing overseas right now. Again, it is a future commodity that will not count against the cap this year.

3. A Small Forward

Obviously there are several on the free agent market, but Dell might prefer a player locked into a contract currently on another team. Since the Pelicans have cap room, they can make an “uneven trade”, with them getting back far more salary then they give up by sending Vasquez to that team.

4. An Upgrade at Center

Robin Lopez is nice, but it is not unreasonable to question whether he can be a starter on a true contender. Perhaps a combination of Vasquez and Lopez can provide them with an upgrade.

Possible Trade Partners

Denver Nuggets

Former Pelicans executive Tim Connelly is calling the shots now in Denver and you could see a scenario where Dell and his former right hand man do a trade that works out for both teams. In fact, I see three that work.

Greivis Vasquez for Wilson Chandler

George Karl loved Andre Miller, but Karl isn’t in Denver anymore, so perhaps Connelly jettisons Miller in another deal and brings in Vasquez to backup Ty Lawson. With Connelly saying that signing Iguodala is a major priority this offseason, shedding Chandler from the books could be a wise move. The Nuggets save nearly five million dollars, trading one reserve for another. The Pelicans, meanwhile, get a guy capable of coming in and starting at small forward immediately.

Greivis Vasquez and Jason Smith for Danilo Gallinari

It seems crazy to think that Denver will move Gallinari, but again, Connelly did not give Danilo that contract extension. Maybe he prefers Chandler to Danilo, and maybe new coach Brian Shaw will as well, since he clearly values defense. While losing Smith will be tough, Danilo Gallinari could give the Pelicans a great perimeter threat to help spread the court.

Greivis Vasquez and Robin Lopez for Javale McGee

Again, Connelly did not give McGee that contract. It is possible that he would prefer two assets to one at 70% the cost. The Pelicans, meanwhile, could have even more length down low than they would have had if they kept 6th pick Nerlens Noel. A defensive core of Holiday and Gordon on the perimeter with Davis and McGee down low could be downright scary.

Atlanta Hawks

If somebody throws a huge offer at restricted free agent Jeff Teague, the Hawks might just let him walk. If that happens, Atlanta could be in the market for a starting point guard on a great contract.

Brooklyn’s 2014 1st round pick and Atlanta’s 2014 2nd round pick for Vasquez

With Brooklyn likely to be a top-4 seed in the East after a mega trade landed them KG and Paul Pierce, it is likely that these two picks will land somewhere between 24 and 40, but if Dell is following the Spurs model, he believes that he can get quality role players picking late in the draft. And again, this opens up cap space, which opens up flexibility for Dealer Dell to work his magic elsewhere. It also opens up a trade exception that Dell can use anytime in the next year.

Chicago Bulls

Vasquez for the rights to Nikola Mirotic

Honestly, this one is the dream scenario because Mirotic could be a stud when he finally comes over to the States. His buyout situation is tricky, so he likely won’t come over until 2015 or 2016, but he has quasi All-Star potential. Maybe the Bulls don’t want to wait that long or risk him staying over permanently like Fran Vasquez, so they trade him now for a player that can help them win this year. If so, Dell would jump all over that.

Utah Jazz

Vasquez for the rights to Ante Tomic

Word in Utah is that the Jazz don’t want to rush the development of Trey Burke. They took it slow with Stockton, and even Deron Williams somewhat his first year, and would like to do the same with Burke. Having a guy like Vasquez start for a year, then transition to the bench would be perfect for Utah. Meanwhile, the Pelicans get a very good big man prospect in Ante Tomic. Tomic just turned 26 and has tons of professional experience, meaning that if you bring him over in a year or two, he can play instantly, much in the same way that Gustavo Ayon did two seasons ago.

Vasquez and Lopez for Al Jefferson (sign and trade)

The Pelicans add a low post presence to the roster, while the Jazz add a mentor to Burke and a center to share time with Enes Kanter at less than half the cost. The Pelicans can put a 3 or 4 year deal on the table for Jefferson with an average starting salary around 10-12 million and still have the ability to get a decent free agent with the ‘room exception.’

Milwaukee Bucks

Vasquez for Luc Mbah a Moute, Milwaukee’s 2014 2nd round pick, and Houston’s 2014 2nd round pick

I got some pretty good intel that the Bucks are looking at Vasquez. With their very fluid current situation, it is hard to see what they can offer, but a deal centered around a defensive specialist in Mbah a Moute wouldn’t be horrible. Perhaps the Pelicans get a more offensive minded small forward in free agency, then swing a deal for Mbah a Moute to bring him off the bench.

Detroit Pistons

Grevis Vasquez for Kyle Singler

You know how Chandler Parsons contract looks ridiculous right now, and because of that, he is one of the most valuable commodities in the NBA? That could be Singler in a year or two. He is owed just 3.5 million dollars TOTAL over the next three years. His first year in Detroit wasn’t anything earth shattering, but he showed he can play, starting 74 games for the Pistons in his rookie deal, scoring 11.3 points while grabbing 5.2 rebounds. The Pistons drafted another perimeter guy in KCP, and word is that they want to shift Branden Knight to the two and they are willing to let Jose Calderon walk. Vasquez could be perfect here.

Got any additional scenarios that fit what Dell might be looking for? Post them below. Also, feel free to comment on the ones you see here.

24 responses to “A Detailed Look at the Market for Greivis Vasquez”

  1. I believe Vasquez will get moved later, after the other major deal(s) Dell does like acquiring a SF.  At this point I expect Dell to prefer draft picks, the most fungible asset there is, assuming Vasquez goes.  But I could see the Vasquez deal being tweeked to get pieces to do something else this summer, like acquire a better C.
    I don’t want Vasquez to go, and I hope he gets a shot to stay.  But, with 13-14 being his last year under a rookie contract before hitting the RFA market, it makes sense to trade him before we lose him without receiving any compensation in the summer of 2014.

    • 504ever I would love to trade Vasquez for Wilson Chandler, Chandler is a very solid player who I feel fits in perfect with this team.

  2. Really like greivis as a multipostional 7 th man going forward for us and don’t want to see him traded unless greater value comes back to us. Gallinari trade only one I would jump on, chandler I would think about.

  3. Couple that jump to mind…
    To Dallas for Jae crowder, to okc for one of their projects,
    How about to Memphis for Quincy pondexter?

  4. as for rivers, he’s a 20 yr old still developing his skills on a team that is suddenly in win now mode..ergo his minutes are no longer promised

  5. If there is a guy I would love dealer dell brings to these team to play SF…it would be tobias harris…how can we get him is the question of course….:-)

  6. Lopez and Vasquez for McGee i can dig because McGee is a true big center and had an better career in Denver than being an clown and blooper reel on an inmature Wizards team.

  7. Lopez and Vasquez for McGee i can dig because McGee is a true big center and had an better career in Denver than being an clown and blooper reel on an inmature Wizards team.

  8. How about Vasquez for Demar DeRozan. We could move DeRozan to small forward. Another possibility could be Vasquez and Gordon for Harrison Barnes and Andris Biedrins. That would give us a young small forward that started can shoot and started for the best rebounding team in the NBA this year. Finally, I wouldn’t mind a Vasquez for Omer Asik swap. If the Rockets sign Howard, then Asik’s value to that team goes way down, and Dell could capitalize and snag one of the top rebounders in the NBA in Asik.

      • Barnes had an 11.1 PER this year and there were rumors involving him at the trade deadline. Golden State is near the luxury tax and they may bite on a deal that rids them of one of their poor contracts, even if they have to include Barnes or Thompson. It isn’t likely to happen, but a trade involving Barnes wouldn’t stun me either.

  9. Robin Lopez is very weak. He cannot be starter of any of the 30 NBA teams. If Vasquez is traded, I hope Lopez go along with Greivis. For pay 5M to a bench center who cannot defend pick and rolls goes against everything that Demps is trying to do on our roster right now.

  10. The best deal for the Pelicans, if we do end up having to part ways with Vasquez (and I’m not convinced his departure is certain), is to end up with McGee.  Though it would be with a lot less enthusiasm, I could also live with the Jefferson or Singler deals, because they fill needs on the team and could help upgrade the center position (with Jefferson) or could add another SF prospect to the roster (with Singler).  But without a major upgrade to the starting lineup like McGee, however, I’d prefer to keep Vasquez on the roster and sign him to a contract extension.  There are so many good reasons why Greivis can be a long-term 6th/7th man asset on a team like the Pelicans.  He knows the system, he’s a proven leader, he gets to the basket often, Monty Williams is comfortable with him as a known commodity, and though his defense is a liability, he will most often not be called upon to defend another team’s starting PG as he was last season.  Loyalty is not often rewarded in this league, but I think the Coach and Dell Demps will send a very positive signal throughout the NBA (especially to international players) if they figure out a way to keep Vasquez and allow him to do what he does best on the court as a back-up for several more years.

  11. I don’t like the Singler or Mbah a Moute trade ideas. Vasquez is better and has a way higher ceiling than both those guys. I do like the ideas of trading for Gallinari or Chandler if Denver re-signs Iggy.

  12. I like the deal with ATL for their picks since we lost ours and the sign-and-trade for Jefferson

  13. I am curious if any of the trade with the nuggets could include Quincy miller? He has really good upside at SF and could be a really good starter down the road.  I watched him, Perry Jones and Pierre Jackson actually at Baylor and I think if either Jones or miller could be gotten as part of any deal with Vasquez it could turn out to be a steal down the road

  14. Lopez and Gravy for Big Al would be a dream move. We can use the mid-level to sign Brewer. The lineup would be Jrue/Gordon/ Brewer/Davis/Jefferson. That can be not only a good lineup but an ELITE one. (If Gordon’s knee doesn’t fail us another year.)

  15. I think a trade with the Mavs might work. Shawn Marion is still a pretty good small forward for his age and has 1-year left on his contract, he is a defensive stopper and paired with Davis they’d be a pretty good defensive duo…The Mavs want to shed salary in their bid for Howard anyway (Marion earns about 9 million) plus they are in need of a point guard. Don’t know if all the details work out but I think it would be a good move for New Orleans.

  16. Support Greivis Vasquez at http://cowbellkingdom.com/2013/08/26/poll-who-is-your-favorite-sacramento-king/

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