Pelicans Draft Day Links & Resources

Happy Draft Day, everyone! This post should fill all of your needs up until and throughout the NBA Draft tonight.

  • For draft rumors as it pertains to the Pelicans, click here. We will be updating that page throughout the day with anything we hear that could hold weight.
  • For the official Bourbon Street Shots mock draft, click here.
  • For information about both Bourbon Street Shots draft parties in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, click here. We’re expecting really strong turnouts for both; you don’t want to miss it!
  • If you feel like refreshing your memory about some of the prospects in more detail, click here. That link will give you every column from our Sixth Pick Tournament.
  • Last, but certainly not least, we have created a two-page draft reference sheet which can be easily viewed and downloaded here. We’ll also be handing them out at our both of our draft parties this evening. We hope that you’ll find it useful in getting ready for and keeping up with the draft tonight.

Share your excitement below!

3 responses to “Pelicans Draft Day Links & Resources”

  1. Been looking forward to this off season and this draft ever since the last Dallas game. HONESTLY hopeing EG gets traded . and we pick up VO or Ben Mclemore.  Worst comes to worst ill be fine with Burke but if we have the ability to take 1 of the 2 Sg’s we better. #INDELLWETRUST

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