Voting for Sixth Pick Tournament Round One Coming to a Close

Voting for the first round of the Sixth Pick Tournament will wrap up  at midnight tonight, with the winners to be announced tomorrow. Then, it is off to Round Two. If you have missed out on any of the debates, click on the link below, read the arguments and vote.


Round Two will start on Monday with the final eight. After round one, who do you like more? Like less? Want to know more about?


Side note: Reports are saying that the Magic are open to moving down in the draft if someone takes on one of their bad contracts. Apparently, they like 9 guys, so dropping down a few spots wouldn’t kill them. They owe Hedo Turkoglu 1 year and $12 million. Only $6 million is guaranteed, so Pelicans could make the trade, cut Hedo and have some dead money on the books for the 2nd year in a row. They also owe Al Harrington 2 years and 14.8 million. We have the cap space to absorb these contracts. Basically, the team will still have a little over 6 mil left in space if they were to take on these contracts. Could get creative and still drop down to 12 or 14 million to go after a Pekovic or Brandon Jennings if they wanted.

My question to you: Would you be willing to take on one of these contracts to move from #6 to #2?



[polldaddy poll=7162630]


For all of the Sixth Round Tournament Matchups, CLICK HERE. 


10 responses to “Voting for Sixth Pick Tournament Round One Coming to a Close”

  1. If Dell falls in love with a guy at #2 that has no chance of being there at #6, i’d be fine with taking Hedo’s contract. We can either put in in a deal for a trade this year or let it expire and spend the money in next years FA. I just dont understand why Orlando would give away that expiring contract in a trade down.

  2. I still think Al Harrington has enough in him to play. Plus he’s a good Vet that could help out and teach everyone how to shoot threes lol

  3. I’d take Turkey Glue’s contract for the number 2 and draft Porter. I would do not play him a single game, and let our young players develop. Split all the SF minutes between Porter and Miller, ensuring they both get a ton of play time. And then have a good pick as well as money for next season.

  4. If only $6M of Turoglu’s contact is guaranteed and then maybe, but what position do you draft for at 2?  
    –  SF? Is Porter really that good?  
    –  SG?  What message do you send Gordon when you draft Oladipo?
    –  PG?  What PG can you get at 2 that you can’t get at 6?
    –  C?  None are good enough.
    –  PF?  Noel, if he is available is virtually a clone of AD.  Why do we need both, and AD’s offensive game is much better.

    • 504ever If we draft @ 2, we simply take BPA, which will either be a SF or SG. (McLemore, Oladipo, or Porter.  I see Noel going #1.)

  5. This is how i see things: if we trade vasquez, they draft burke. if we dont trade vasquez we draft porter, bennent, or len

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