In the NO Podcast Episode 135: Henry Abbott on Lillard v Davis and CP3 a Pelican?

This may be my favorite podcast I’ve ever recorded. Michael and I talk CP3 – Michael makes his case for him returning to New Orleans – and where else he could go. We talk all kinds of prospects, and then we bring on Maestro and Portland Trailblazer Fan to talk Lillard winning the ROY over Davis. We close by moving on to talk Hoop Idea, Hack Tactics, the team to fear in the West, and somehow we end up on Rudy Gay.

Seriously – if you will only ever listen to In the NO once, listen to this one.

Will CP3 return? Sound off! 504-322-3333.

Enjoy the Podcast!

14 responses to “In the NO Podcast Episode 135: Henry Abbott on Lillard v Davis and CP3 a Pelican?”

    • Not set until the moratorium ends on July 11, which is the point of the moratorium.

      Projections are around $60m cap, $72m tax, $76m apron.

  1. I don’t want Paul back and it has nothing to do with personal feelings. I don’t think we are better off than the Clippers with Paul. We aren’t talented enough and much like his first tour with us his salary will limited the players we can bring in and it pushes us out of the lottery as long as he’s here and healthy. Even with Paul I don’t see his beating OKC, SA, Golden State, Memphis, and maybe even Denver.

    It’s IMO best to remain patient and collect talent moving assets like Gordon and Vasquez and the drafting well.

    • I agree. As much as I dislike Griffin and the Clippers in general, as of now, they are a more talented team. By the time the Pels are championship contenders, I’d assume 3-4 years, CP3 will be entering his thirties and will likely be on the decline while AD and our other young guys will be entering their best years.

      Also, one of the biggest problems we faced this year was lack of depth. If you blow the entire cap space this summer on Paul, you really limit your options in other areas. He’s incredibly talented and I realize I’ll probably be thumbed down but I agree with your idea of patience and savvy decision-making.

    • Uhh, when you have a chance to get a top-5 player in the league, you take it. Paul’s supporting cast throughout his career (minus 07-08) has been an unmitigated disaster.

      You people act like we have an infinite amount of time with Anthony Davis at 7-8mil a year and our other really efficient contracts. At some point, you have to pay your assets.

      • We’ll worry about paying Davis like a superstar once he starts playing like one.

        We don’t have an infinite amount of time but we do have realistically 8-10 years. That’s plenty of time to build slowly.

  2. My new dream scenario is trading the gordon, lopez, vasquez, this years pick, and possibly next years pick for Kevin Love, Eric Bledsoe, and a late first in this years draft to grab a dennis schroder or giannis adetokuobo. Then I go out in free agency and sign Kevin Martin to a 2-3 year deal worth between 9-11 million and Corey Brewer to a 2-3 year deal between 5-7 million. We dont have a true center after that but Kevin Love when healthy rebounds better than most centers and my next year Davis should be able to score one on one against centers in the post considering Love and Anderson will draw their men out to the 3 point line. To make up for the defensive deficiencies of Martin and Love we get Bledsoe and Brewer which should also help Anthony Davis become the defender he is capable of being. I would also hope Dell would try to pry a pick in next years draft that currently seems to be of less value than ours. This leave us with:

    Eric Bledsoe 2.6 mil
    Brian Roberts .8 mil
    Dennis Schroder 1 mil
    Kevin Martin 11 mil
    Austin Rivers 2.3 mil
    Corey Brewer 7 mil
    Darius Miller .8 mil
    Anthony Davis 5.3 mil
    Ryan Anderson 8.3 mil
    Kevin Love 14.7 mil
    Jason Smith 2.5 mil

    Then Dell fills out the rest of the roster with probly a shooting wing a defensive wing and a defensive big leaving us with around a 60 million dollar pay roll. Which would put us right at the cap. We could then move Anderson if necessary later to get cap room in order to pay Bledsoe the following year and we could also gain picks so that when Brewer and Martins contracts run out in 3 years we should have players developed ready to take over on cheap contracts to give davis the max.

    • Some possible veteran backups on cheap one year deals include Roger Mason, Kyle Korver, Anthony Morrow, Mike Dunleavy, Devin Harris, Marquis Daniels, Demarre Carroll, and Birdman

      • While I applaud your recognition of the value that is Mike Dunleavy, others will react poorly to the suggestion.

        They are, as some say, “jelly.”

    • $11 mil seems pretty pricey for K.Martin to take our perimeter defense out and shoot it in the face.

      I could come in and do that for almost nothing, there has to be better deals out there.

      • I agree with you that i would rather pay a little less throughout his career he has been an extremely efficient scorer shooting 44% from the field and about 40% from 3 shooting it about 4 times per game. He also has gotten to the line more frequently than eric gordon throughout his career and has shot 89% each of his past 3 seasons. In my opinion he would be a perfect offensive fit next to Bledsoe who can be somewhat erratic on the offensive end from time to time. Plus with Bledsoe and Brewer next to him he just needs to be able to guard the weakest offensive option on the wing which he is capable of doing considering he is 6’7 and has decent speed

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