Ice Cream Sunday: 20120916

A review of the happenings of the week with some tasty extras not to be found elsewhere.

As reported last week, the Saints and Hornets are conducting a raffle in support of Isaac relief.

“Founded in response the Gulf Coast Oil spill, the Saints Gulf Coast Renewal Fund has already donated over a million dollars to assist those affected by the Gulf Coast Oil spill. Now that many of our friends and neighbors have suffered tragic losses from Hurricane Isaac, the Saints Gulf Coast Renewal Fund is looking to Saints Fans to again join in to help heal our community.”

There’s $10 minimum to get into the raffle, but that’s for 5 chances, so get a group together to get to the $10 if necessary.

Buzz Patrol auditions are today at the Arena. Registration starts at 1 with the auditions starting at 2. Record the game, then get to the Arena to auditions if interested. The Buzz Patrol jump around, help keep the in-game entertainment going, and more.

French Quarter Flyers auditions are at noon Saturday at the Alario Center. These are the nutty dunk guys. I’m pretty sure there’s a waiver involved here.

The Hornets are participating in voluntary workouts in San Antonio, along Spurs and Thunder players. The interaction with other teams, to me, is a both a sign of growth of the organization and another in an increasing number of indications that this organization is slowing elevating its stature. Plus, for me, Davis learning from Duncan is among the best possible scenarios, if not the best. Some say he’ll be KG; I’m thinking and hoping for TD, give or take.

Davis and Miller played in the UK alumni game. It was a charity thing, and our boys made it out without injury. Good job, fellas.

Darius Miller did not waste any time in spending is prospective funds from his nearly-guaranteed deal with the New Orleans Hornets. Miller became a part-owner in the Bowling Green, Kentucky, location of D1 Sports, a collection sports training facilities all over the country.

Jim Eichenhofer posted an article on some assets the Hornets have that are well-suited to Anthony Davis’ development: assistant coach Kevin Hanson and Director of Athletic Development Carlos Daniel.

Speaking of development, nikkoewan has posted the first in a series on how Davis compares to some NBA greats.

Gustavo Ayon is open to return to Spain and says Orlando is a little better than New Orleans as a city. Given that the Spain talk did not start until he got to his second team that was not going anywhere, I don’t put too much stock into the comments about the city. Given that the interview was with a Spanish news source, I don’t put too much stock in the openness, at least while he can make more in the NBA. Of course, anything can happen.

7 responses to “Ice Cream Sunday: 20120916”

  1. I love that Davis scored 40 in the UK game. I also love that our players are working out with the Spurs and the Thunder. This kind of multi-team training is both great for the teams involved (different looks than the usual practice) and for the league image as a whole. The NBA has a more “we are all in this together” attitude than most sports leagues. I think that image plays very well with the public. I can’t wait to see how training camp shakes out. This will be a very exciting season.

  2. Anybody see that reverse dunk Davis had in the alumni game?
    It was sick. I mean almost Dominique-athletic. (Youtube it)
    I knew this kid was athletic, but had no idea it was to this extent.

    Dunk contest?

  3. Mann that Video is SICKKKK!!! The best part is when he alley Oops it to himself. I hope he can do all that in the NBA (The BIG times)

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