In the NO Podcast Episode 84: Projecting the Hornets with the Basketball Prospectus

Michael and I are joined by Bradford Doolittle of the Basketball Prospectus and Over the past month, Brad has written several articles (like this one) analyzing the Hornets, and we thought he’d be a great guest to talk about projections for the future.

Oh, and his system is down on Austin Rivers.  So Michael and I can glare and grizzle over that a bit more. Good times!

Enjoy the Podcast! Want it on Itunes?

17 responses to “In the NO Podcast Episode 84: Projecting the Hornets with the Basketball Prospectus”

  1. I wrote earlier this summer that I don’t think Anderson can guard 3s. Doolittle claims he can guard 3s that don’t move much, which I agree with, but do you guys think that playing him at the 3 kind of takes away from his effectiveness as an offensive player?

  2. A couple of things jump out at me from this podcast.

    First the crazy: Bradford Doolittle said Anderson might not start for the Hornets! We invest $9M/year in Anderson knowing we have won the Anthony Davis Lottery to not start Anderson? I lost so much respect for Bradford Doolittle on that one, especially after he spent so much time talking up Anderson in a fact based, well researched way.

    Doolittle gained some of that respect back by liking Lopez, and saying Lopez was undervalued, and by saying both Rivers and Barnes project poorly in their first years in the NBA (the truth finally). But I still can’t get over the Anddrson might not start comment.

    • I also think Anderson will start, based off of his talent not his salary. I don’t agree with Doolittle’s assertion that he won’t start, but Manu Ginobli, Jason Terry (in Dallas), etc have made more than Anderson and not started (and Harden will command 10 mil+ and not start) so it is not unfathomable.

      Who starts really doesn’t matter. As Doolittle said, Anderson will get 30+ minutes and will be highly effective when he is on the court. If Monty wants to try and get Aminu and Lopez going early, I would be fine with Anderson coming off the bench- as long as he gets those 30+ minutes and finishes the game

      • So you think the questions and discussion in the podcast should have been about “aggregate play”?

      • Didn’t listen to it yet (it’s a Monday thing for me), but I think the only reason to talk about starting is to please people who expect to hear about it.

      • You nailed it Jason.

        Despite Ryan and I saying that it doesn’t matter who starts 500 times now, the #1 question we get BY FAR is:

        Who is going to start this year?

        We figured we’d let someone else weigh in since it is such an important topic

    • Try this one… Davis might not start nor Rivers.. Let’s look at the core from last season… meaning remaining core… Vasquez, Eric Gordon, Aminu, Anderson and Lopez. …. or Smith/Anderson considering Smith knows the system.. but will coach rotate players as he did last season… AND now that we have depth i.e. more quality and the all important ability to score plus a healthy EG.. its on…

      No one talks about the skill set of Eric Gordon… This dude is a special player with others including the rookies playing off his talent…

  3. Another good podcast guys but one question, is it supposed to have that cut at about the 27:08 mark? It just sounded unnatural.

      • Its ok, Im surprised you guys dont have more issues with all this audio stuff. Hope we didn’t miss too much, this was a real interesting one!

  4. are we still talking about the hornets with isaac on the way? someone give skynet a giant fan so he can jump up and blow the storm towards mississippi.

    • What kind of issues?

      The player is new, and I don’t think we control it.

      You can try a ctrl+f5 or perhaps another browser.

      Keep us posted, dude.

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