Precap: Grizzlies @ Hornets

I liked how Jason tried to predict stuff the other day and failed miserably, so I’ll double down on the insults and show him how it’s done today.

If you recall, Jason made five predictions about Friday night’s game against the Jazz. His only correct one was making the incredible prediction that Al-Faroq Aminu (the starting small forward) would score SEVEN or more points. He called it strong offensive showing. I call it not being terrible on offense.

Anyway, Mikestradamus hasn’t been heard from in quite some time, reportedly after being proven a fraud. We’ve actually got a reenactment of the situation that led to him losing credibility. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent (readers) but I think you’ll recognize Mike as the guy trying to kill someone else with his mind.


Anyway, since Mikestramus has gone into hiding, and since Jason can’t be trusted to predict much more than that someone will win the tip-off, I’ve decided to lend a hand to those of you who want to know the results before the game even starts.

I’m also going to rank the difficulty of predictions based on a 1-10 scale. One being along the lines of there will be less than 260 points scored, and 10 being Gustavo Ayon will have a triple double consisting of 10 blocks. Five would be a roughly 50-50 proposition from an objective point of view

Prediction number one: The Hornets will shoot over 50% as a team (difficulty level- 7)

Prediction number two: Somehow, some way, we will not be complaining about bad refereeing afterward. (DL- 5)

Prediction number three: Zach Randolph will score more than 20 points, something he hasn’t done since his first game back from injury on March 16th. (DL- 7)

Prediction number four: Jason Smith scores less than 10. (DL- 5)

Prediction number five: The Hornets will yet again win, AND the Kings will yet again lose. There will just just a half game separating the two teams after the day is done. (DL-7)

Your turn! Best prediction gets some props in the recap. Also, don’t forget to tweet it up at me during the game (@GerrityJoe) and you could get some recognition for tweet of the game.

6 responses to “Precap: Grizzlies @ Hornets”

  1. Joe, the toughest task is figuring out if the Hornets will shoot more than 66% from the free throw line.

  2. Eric Gordon al farouq aminu Xavier Henry and general greivis will combine for 60 points and 17 assist

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