Eric Gordon Undergoes Successful Surgery

Eric Gordon’s surgery has been deemed a successful cleanup.

The New Orleans Hornets announced today that Eric Gordon underwent successful arthroscopic surgery to clean up his right knee this morning. As anticipated, he will be out approximately six weeks.

Gordon sustained the injury to his knee in the first quarter of the team’s opening game in Phoenix on 12/26/11. In two games this season, Gordon averaged a team-best 21.0 points per game, including hitting the game-winning 20-foot jumper with 4.2 seconds remaining against the Suns on 12/26.

21 responses to “Eric Gordon Undergoes Successful Surgery”

      • He will get a monster contract from someone this offseason… Unless he truly doesn’t want to be here… Then will just take the qualifying offer and rough it out another year and walk next summer

    • exactly…the only way he leaves is if we don’t want him…and if that happens the hornets totally screwed up the paul trade and set themselves back for many years

  1. either:

    a- our medical staff lacks competence

    b- we are trying to milk this minor injury for everything it’s worth because we have anthony davis fever

  2. Imagine a medical institution that says the surgery was “unsuccessful.” Malpractice suits would gush. So no need to use the adjective as it has no meaning.

    One does not know if the surgery was successful until you see the results down the line.

    • Damn James that’s the first time I’ve agreed with one of your posts … but its a good point, EG had got to rehab this thing correctly, though I’m not quite sure what “cleaning up” a “bone bruise” — as was reported earlier — entails.

      • Well a bone bruise isn’t usually this detrimental….
        I’m thinking maybe had some damaged cartilage or maybe some scar tissue…

      • Pure speculation: removal of bits of pulverized bone and other dead or displaced or obstructive tissue.

  3. I know the medical staff and there was a lot more to his injury than a simple bone bruise, I am not aware of exactly what the injury is/was, but they were waiting to see if it would recover on its own with no surgery because his injury is known to do that and any kind of surgery can be damaging. But this surgery was coming, a scope is not a “major” surgery, they use a tiny device on a wire to “clean up” a damaged area, iit is what they call “non-invasive surgery”. When they use the term clean up it normally implies cartilage damage, and sometimes ligament damage but I doubt EG has any ligament damage. They just take out dead tissue, sew up torn tissue, etc. etc., clean it up

  4. As difficult as this is, waiting 6 more weeks to see Gordon play and evaluate him and his injury, the harder part is all we got for Paul THIS SEASON is Al-Farouq “I may never be an NBA player” Aminu and Chris “trade bait” Kaman. So we wait to see if Aminu develops, what we get for Kaman (and possibly Landry), where our drafts picks are, how Gordon looks, if we can resign him, etc.

    That’s what we are left with this season—waiting. It sucks!

  5. Whatever the reason there was discomfort enough to keep him out and requiring surgery… Doctors don’t just invade you for no reason… Whatever happens we have his rights so we trade him or keep him… There was supposed to be a $5M gap between us.. He and D.Rose are friendly cross state rivals from AAU… So Rose has the big contract but is now experiencing back problems… big time..

    A professional athlete has to come right and be well conditioned or you won’t make it… But the kid wants to play with whatever team he is on for the moment… Long term is another matter but he is restricted.. and on a rookie contract…

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