Eric Gordon Injury Update

Eric Gordon is getting arthroscopic knee surgery, sidelining him for “up to six weeks.”

The New Orleans Hornets announced today that Hornets guard Eric Gordon will undergo arthroscopic surgery on his right knee tomorrow. The surgery is needed to fully resolve an injury that was sustained earlier in the season during a Hornets game. After that point it did not fully heal with treatment and rest. The doctors expect that Eric will be fully recovered and able to return to playing in up to six weeks.

“After consulting with our medical staff, we concluded that surgery was the best route and in the best interest of Eric for the long term. We had hoped with rest and rehab, Eric’s knee would have healed.” General Manager Dell Demps said. “Eric is eager to return to the court and we are confident Hornet Fans will get to see him soon.”

He sustained the injury to his knee in the first quarter of the team’s opening game in Phoenix on 12/26. In two games this season, Gordon averaged a team-best 21.0 points per game, including hitting the game-winning 20-foot jumper with 4.2 seconds remaining against the Suns on 12/26.

23 responses to “Eric Gordon Injury Update”

    • But there was no structural damage right? So it’s not a “serious” surgery or anything? I’d like to think of it as a minor surgery……..hopefully?

      • I have no idea what structurally sound means.

        To me, people should have their heads examined for listening to medical reports about anything sensitive, especially from stakeholders.

        I’ll ask some MD’s to talk to me about these things. I’ve been putting it off, but next week may be a good time for me to do so.

    • “You’re better off just taking the cap room, or whatever,” Cuban said.


      claims to be talking about Hornets best interest, getting nothing for Chris and reducing our (only) pick from top 5 to late 1st. What an a$$!

  1. Hope the surgery goes well, and hope this secures a top five pick, come on Anthony Davis!….and of course the demise of the Tumblewolves!

  2. Cuban is using this as an excuse to rip the league. He wanted the Hornets to keep Paul so he would become a free agent and Cubes could sign him as a FA with all that cap space he created. The way it’s looking now, CP will exercise his option in L.A., Dwight will be traded to NJ and DWill will re-sign in New Jersey. So now Cubes is left with the reality that he broke up his championship team for a ton of cap space where there will be no superstar free agents on the market. It has nothing to do with the hornets, it is strictly selfish on his part. He’s a self serving blow-hard. I can’t wait till we rebuild this team and smoke Dallas like the good ole days.

  3. just as he seems to be within a week or wo of returning he is always announced to be out for twice as long more. Its bad luck for the guy, kinda good for the hornets long term, but this has got to really make an impact on the contract he gets this off-season. A surgery had got to raise more flags then an extended rest period. If the hornets offer him the same amount or more i’ll be shocked and if another team does that’ll be surprising too.

  4. Man oh man the guy should have taken the extension offer; like I said at the time he had cajones to walk away from that deal on that knee. A scope is a scope … I’ve had a knee and an ankle scoped and neither have been the same since. When CP and DW got scoped they both came back, but these guys were and are dedicated, mature professionals … we’ll see if Eric Gordon is now. DW’s knee obviously was a more serious injury but anytime they open a joint to surgery its risky, especially a complex one like a knee or shoulder. Whatever the specific problem, Gordon’s recovery will depend on his pre and post surgery rehab, and even then there are no guarantees. More then likely he’ll need to stop with the twittering on college basketball and give 100% to rehab .. he has the incentive.

  5. Securing the L’s. That’s Dell’s job this year. He can’t ask the team to not try, so our best player(s) not playing is a plus. It was good to see a victory tonight, but I hope the W doesn’t cost us.
    A couple of weeks ago, I speculated that Gordon would need knee surgery, jokingly calling it the “mysterious meniscus matter”. Okafor and Jack may have a similar mystery, if kneed be. Couldn’t resist. WWDD? Dell kneed’s L’s.
    Kaman’s double-double cost an L, but no doubt upped his trade value. Late 1st or early 2nd might bring Ezeli or Melo @ less than 1/10th Kamans salary.

  6. why does epsn think that gordon is still so likely to leave in the offseason…am i wrong or can’t the hornets match anything any team offers and why wouldnt they? its sickening to listen to! gordon will be back next year and at full health with a bunch of young talent and some good vets and the hornets will compete for the playoffs then what will epsn say….anywho get well gordon and he wants the number 1 pick too i bet 🙂

  7. We know EGs reputation, skill set and upside.. But he and the Hornets were, it was reported, about $5M apart… Now $50M was in place with the injury but here you have a contract in an injury laden contract renewal period.. now you are having surgery… This happened to DWest in his contract year… His problem might be the size of Derrick Rose signed… But look at Rose’s play before he got what appears a back problem…

    But this team definitely needs a closer… tonight we had a 20 point lead get away plus we were outscored 29-20 in the 4th quarter… We are not making shots in the 4th quarter and some of it is sloppy play…

  8. Off topic, but can someone explain to me why we can’t go forward with Okafor AND Kaman on the team, 2 solid centers which is a luxuy in a league when some teams don’t even have 1. Is it age? Then draft Barnes if we can’t get Davis. I think Barnes and Gordon could be nasty together on the wings. Gordon slashing while Barnes knocking down jumpers.

    • Kaman appears to like New Orleans and I think he’d re-sign with us. Is a late 1st rounder really worth more than having a solid center behind/with Okafor?

    • Having Kaman and Mek could work but Monty doesnt know how to sub really so in N.O. it wont work but on another team maybe. Like if I was Monty I would start Landry,Mek, and Kamen on the frontline!!! They would own every rebound.

  9. edbballin, as always, follow the money. Oak & Kaman make about 26 mill together, with an increase built in for Oak next year. Thats a huge percent of the salary cap, & Gordon is looking for a max deal. A late 1st or early 2nd big could be had for a fraction of current costs, allowing the FO more flexibility to make other deals to improve the roster.
    Oak & Kaman = 26+ mill. Davis or Drummond + some other late 1st early 2nd big = 5 or 6 mill or less. Much less money, much more potential.

    • Good post. With my thoughts, I took into consideration that Kaman would take a pay cut next starting next year. I was thinking his salary would drop in the $7 mill range. Basically his salary would slide into the same cost as Ariza, who we would have to ship out if we brought in Barnes. With most of the other players (not named Gordon, Jack) still on rookie deals, or cheap deals, I think we could make it work plus still have some cap space. Plus where would we need to sign another player? Also, consider we have MINN’s pick that I am not even considering here that can plug a hole in an area of need, as well as what we get for Ariza. Look at what we’d have:

      PG- Jack, Vasquez
      SG- Gordon, Henry
      SF- Barnes, Aminu
      PF/C- Okafor, Kaman, Ayon, Smith

      *Again, this doesn’t include what we do with our 2nd 1st round pick (MINN) or what we get from an Ariza trade. In addition, I’d bet we could bring back Landry at a discount if we chose to. (Over)Paying him $9 mill this year was our downpayment for that option.

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