In the NO Podcast Episode 51: Any Regrets?

Michael and I talk about Kaman returning to the team, (NOOOOO!!) How many of our starters would make good eighth, seventh, or even sixth men on a decent squad, and then review Dealer Dell’s trades (Bayless, Thornton, Aminu, Collison) and see if there are any lingering regrets.

Then, in the biggest shocker of the month, Michael predicts a win for the Hornets. Crazy cat.

Enjoy the Podcast! Want it on Itunes?

10 responses to “In the NO Podcast Episode 51: Any Regrets?”

  1. Thornton was the real deal,Collison was to be the heir apparent to CP3.Demps did some bone headed trades,Bayless stink and Aminu is worst than hot garbage but Monty is more to blame than anyone he’s such a knee jerk is like having Ditka as a basketball coach afraid to develop rookies. We don’t have a single rookie from previous drafts i think it’s the George Allen affect perfering veterans over rookies.

    • Collison was the heir apparent to CP3? Are you serious? Technically speaking, I suppose you’re right, but how can you compare him to CP3? I liked him a lot, but he has been nothing special since going to Indiana. The only thing CP3 and Collison have in common is that they both play PG. CP3 is a Hall-of-Fame point guard.

      Why do our fans keep acting like Marcus Thornton is the second coming of Kobe Bryant? He’s a good scorer. So is Jordan Crawford. There are plenty of NBA players that can light up the scoreboard when they’re hot. Sacramento, with Marcus Thornton’s All-World skills, still sucks. I loved Thornton at LSU, was thrilled when we got him, and watched every second of his rookie season here. But he’s not a star. So quit treating him like one

      -Bayless was a joke. I’d almost prefer JuJu running the point. We still wound up with Jack though
      -Aminu has not been impressive, but give it some time. I do feel like he’s improved some over the season. He will probably wind up being a nice defender, and with practice, can certainly develop that shot. I’m thinking a bigger, better-rebounding Pietrus. You can do worse than that

      If we only re-sign Gordon out of this trade, I’ll take it. He’s a stud

      • and by Crawford being a good scorer, I meant he can score points. Certainly not efficiently****

      • Comparing Thornton to Kobe i didn’t say all that he would been a stable SG for many years for the Hornets but not the best SG that would be down the road.With Collison yes he would filled in the voild if he was still here while the CP3 drama was going down.

  2. Wouldn’t 1 reason for Kaman’s return be an Okafor trade in the works? Seems like the Celtics miss Perkins and Oak > Perkins. Don’t they have 2 1st rounders & a big expiring in O’Neal?

    • Celtics will not commit to a guy with multiple years on his deal, as they are planning on having maximum flexibility this offseason. Would love that trade, though, as a Hornets fan

  3. Would take either 1 of their 2 1st rounders & the Big Expiring ( brother to the Big Aristotle) for Mek. Ainge might take a flyer ( not very high ) due to results w/o Perkins + bigs are rare.

  4. This team really needs to practice during the all star break no trip to Orlando to see your fellow all stars. The continuity is lost and needs to regain sooner rather than later.

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