Hornets247 On TV

Hornets247 had made the jump to local television. I (Joe Gerrity) will be a guest on Fox 8’s Final Play this Sunday, June 19th.

Final Play airs on New Orleans Fox 8 at 9:30 pm central time every Sunday evening.

For what it’s worth, this is my first time doing anything on set for television. I literally don’t know what to tell you to expect. Could be good, could be terrible. Who knows? If it’s not the best, I won’t be too worried. Things can only get better as I get more familiar.

Constructive criticism is actually encouraged since next season we are going to be doing a ton more video. If there is something you like or don’t like, please say something. I aim to please.

7 responses to “Hornets247 On TV”

  1. Congratulations Joe G. You’re famous now, but please don’t forget to come back here and bless us with your blog entries. We don’t want you to be replaced by some arrogant dimwit who writes nothing but self-righteous drivel. IMO, you’re the key player of the Ryan MacGerrity Big 3.

    • Don’t worry.

      Joe is one of a kind.

      No one wants an arrogant dimwit in his stead or beside him. I’m glad we can agree on that.


    • Haha. Thanks JCS. We’re doing some cool stuff behind the scenes that’s taking up a ton of my time. At some point I’ll fill everyone in on what’s going on.

      For now, let’s just say that it involves taking over the internet.

  2. Bang up job, Joe.

    Good outing and a good representation of the site.

    Tivoed it… We’ll see if we can get it on the site if we can deal with the technical junk and any legal stuff…

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