New Orleans Hornets Fan Poll

Welcome to the first ever Hornets247 Fan Poll. Here’s your chance to tell the world how you feel about the Hornets, now and going forward, and to see how you compare to other avid fans.

All polls are after the jump. Don’t forget about the Hornets Playoff Watch Party, Kempletons post looking at how clutch Chris Paul is, and to finish this sentence- If the Hornets beat the Lakers 4-0, I will…

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11 responses to “New Orleans Hornets Fan Poll”

  1. Wow went out for one night, came back with lots to read here. LOL. so here’s my thoughts on everything that happened.

    – Ziko, may God help you in this trying times. ๐Ÿ™‚ Do what you gotta do.
    – It sucks that we got LA..
    – I think we can pull out 2 home games. Not sure if we can pull out that 6th game. But I’m hoping we can. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hornets in 7!!!!!!!! >:)
    – Cp3 will play the same as he is this year, GREAT but madly inconsistent. I’ll just savor every time we got with him. This might be his last days as a Hornet. I’m holding out hope that it won’t.
    – Can’t make it to all this shiznits going on in NOLA(Playoff Party). O_O going to enjoy the game either on TV or in Gamecast LOL
    – Ariza will play motivated i think, which will help our cause.

  2. I can’t believe I voted Jack for 2nd best player. Guess it’s a testament to how this team has changed since the injury. Also a testament to how much Jack has improved in his role of late. Consistent rotations, eh?

    • Actually voted Chris as our second best player – more out of optimism than anything else. Optimism that Okafor gets his beatly man-face on and spin-cycles Bynum and Gasol into player-of-the-series. I know the top point guards usually have a field day with LA, but to get out of the first round I think the key is Oak having the games of his life. And I think he can do it. Playoffs can do funny things to a guy…

  3. 1. I will post an endless recursive statement in regards to the outcome.
    2. Did we win? Proceed to 1
    3. Are you reading this right now from the present? Go to 1?
    4. Are you reading this from the future? Go to 1

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