Putting out the Hat

Wednesday the Hornets won their 38th game of the season, topping last season’s win total with fifteen more games to play.  They are improving, having brought in, and in some cases, shipped back out, 14 new players this season.  Their goal?  To keep getting better.

Well, Hornets247 feels the same way.  We want to keep getting better.  We want to provide you video in a timely fashion after games, record live post-game interviews, and get media and images to make the site chock-full of eye-candy.  We want to cover the All-Star game, Summer League, and training camp in person for you.  We want to provide more give-aways, raffles, and tickets to games for our readers, and we’d also love to take advantage of various means of advertising to make the Hornets247 community grow and become even more fun to be a part of.

Now, of course, comes the rub.  To do most of those things, we need cash.  We’ve toyed with the idea of adding advertisements to the site.  Inserting ads into the forum and navbar.  Acquiring partners that would require us to embed advertisements mid-post.  Parters to sponsor the podcast . . . I’m sure you get the idea.

However – no one on the Hornets247 team really want to do that.  We like a clean site without all the distractions.  So we decided that rather than go that route, we’d give something else a try:  Asking you for your help.  We know times are pretty hard.  We know many of you gave to Save Our Hornets already to help hit the ticket requirements needed to keep the team in New Orleans.

Still, we’ve decided to hit you with an NPR-Style week-long donation drive.  Once it’s over, you won’t hear it again for a year.  However!  We are also taking a page out of NPR’s book, and will be running give aways for those who donate at the end of the drive.(March 17th)  If you comment on this post as a registered user, you get one entry to win a prize.  If you  donate anything, you get two entries, if you donate $10, you get three entries.  For every $10 after that, you get another entry.  If you donate at least $25, you will also be entered to win one of our two Grand Prizes. (We’ll contact you before we draw to see which one you want to go for.)

Rest assured that every penny donated to us will go into working on improving the site and its features, community and content.  The small amount of money ESPN now gives us already goes to that purpose, and this will be used to supplement that.

Though, I will state right now that if the Hornets ever wins a championship, the Hornets247 team is going to buy a round of drinks using Hornets247 money.  Maybe even two . . .

Here’s the prizes:

Grand Prizes

Complete Set of Hornets Athletic Gear

  • 1 Hornets Hat
  • 1 Jersey (D-West or Paul, your choice)
  • 1 Pair of Adidas Hornets Warm-up Pants

I am Hornets247

Win yourself an opportunity to do any or all of these:(you pick which ones you’d want)

  1. Get a picture of yourself in a Gameday Banner
  2. Post a Full Game Preview/Game On
  3. Post a Full Game Recap
  4. Be a guest on the Podcast
  5. Have a featured Article on the site.

And, of course, I’ll offer my expert services as Editor for any pieces you want to post. (We do reserve the right to refuse to post something that might be construed as offensive, though if you want to write about your toes, you can do that.  Unless you have offensive toes.)

Standard Prizes

  • 9 Hats
  • 5 Jerseys(West and Paul)
  • 1 Charlotte Hornets Retro T-Shirt

Hopefully, you’ll find one of the above prizes intriguing, and give it a go.  Or you could think of this as an opportunity to atone for anything really, really wrong you did during Mardi Gras!

Thanks for all of you who contribute!

55 responses to “Putting out the Hat”

  1. Don’t post much, but I am always on the site and I have often wondered how you guys keep up such a nice site without advertising all over the place. Personally, I hate navigating through sites with pop-ups and ads all over the place, so I am glad you are going this route.

    The way I think about it is: I spend $100 combined every year on Sports Illustrated, ESPN the Mag, and one or two other sports mags that don’t give me 1/20th the Hornets analysis that you guys do, so I am happy to contribute- especially if it means that you will use it to make the site even better.

    Oh, and by the way- I am going for that I am Hornets247 package, mainly so I can own the guys on the podcast.

    • You MUST be talking about Ryan, because there is no way I am getting owned!

      Seriously, though, thanks for the feedback and 100% of all donations will go right into the site in some capacity. That is why I put up the suggestion box thread in the forum. We want to add video and pics, bring players onto the podcast with us, cover more live events, and offer more prizes, but we also want to know what YOU GUYS want.

      Thanks for the help Will and to all the others in advance. We can’t wait to bump this site up another notch.

      • I think my appearance on the cast is bolstering the fans.

        I did have the most accurate prediction on the game I called, closest prediction for the week (picked the wrong loss), and had a pretty accurate read on the trade that materialized.

        In fact, I’m sure some of the readers started salivating as the events unfolded.

  2. I am happy to have this website for a great view on Hornets basketball.

    We need to keep this site going, the Hornets fans need somewhere to go to not have other teams fans constantly whining and complaining when they lose.

    Yeah I would love the hook up on this gear too.

  3. i have a box of Hornets items season ticket holders get i would gladly give to you guys for promotions/giveaways….send me an address!

    including a team poster from 2004! Dan Dickau

    • Thank you Uptown for bringing this up, because we forgot to mention it.

      If you just dont have the money right now, but you want to contribute, please do so. This is a perfect example of something that would contribute to the site. Also, how about creating a Hornets247.com song? Or a video? How about a PDF with info about our site, our logo, etc that Hornets fans can print out and pass out to people in their section when they go to games so we can get even more Hornets fans on this site?

      Maybe you work in a video store or have a really good hookup and can get us some equipment at a rediculous price. If you save us $200 on a package- that is like a $200 donation!

      Bottom line, we would love $$ to make this site better, but if you just can’t find any to spare, there are numerous ways to contribute. Thank you all so much!

  4. I’m more than happy to contribute to the only site I’ve gotten my New Orleans Hornets info since 2007. Thanks for all you guys have done & will continue to do.

  5. First time i will use my CC online, but this is something that deserve it. Hands down the best place to get hornets information, great comments and really thoughtfull data. Its hard to support a team from Argentina, but been doing it since 1991, and in all this years i have never found a place like this. As Will said, its great not having pop ups, advertising and all of that, and if i can do anything to help, i’ll try my best. In fact, you could offer B&B to any hornet fan coming to Cordoba, Argentina, lol.
    Keep it up guys.

    • I’ll have the billing information – and I’ll contact you via that if you win a prize. I’ll ask then if you want to be identified as your real name, or your forum name when we announce the winners.

  6. Better question when i give my ten dolares (donald trump over here) does that guarantee i will never be banned? 😎

  7. Great idea guys. I love it. Hats off to your excellent analysis year-in and year-out. Keep the good stuff coming.

  8. You guys do a great job and I tell you every Christmas. I will put a few bucks in for Christmas in March – but I’m not giving up my Oklahoma City Hornets T-Shirt.

    Thanks for all your hard work. D.

  9. yes i give u some pennies because u do a great job informing us fans about cool inside stuff. though in germany, with your page i feel i just had to go over the road to see our hornets. keep on and on!

  10. Figured I could wait to get my hair cut next week and donate the money to my favorite Hornets website instead! Best money I ever spent

  11. If I had a credit card in my own name, I’d donate but sadly I do not. I can’t go online without checking this site out to get my Hornets fix. I think you guys are really accurate with what you report and aren’t just the best Hornets blog among other various Hornets blog but one of the best blogs in all sports.

    I’d love to contribute more in terms of writing up stuff for the website to give my own personal view since I’m one of the few Hornets fans on the east coast or in New York in general. Whether it be game on previews or game recaps. I’d love to help out some more.

    – Nick Malone aka yankeesman77

  12. I’m happy to donate a bit to keep the site free of obnoxious banner ads and allow you guys to keep doing what you’re doing. This is by far my favorite Hornets site, and the only one I visit daily, not just because of the high level of quality content but also the community that you guys have established.

    Keep it up!

  13. I want to thank you guys. This site is always providing me with great information. I always hated the fact I could not read about the Hornets much because they are not one of the big teams. I honestly can’t remember how I stumbled upon this site, but I’m glad I did.

    I’m in college at the moment and don’t own a credit card. Trying to keep from having too much in the bank for financial aid purposes due to being in a currently financially challenged family.

    I won’t be able to donate, at the moment. But, when I get that degree, I’ll definitely give back to you guys. Do a great job night in and night out. Great work!

  14. Guys, love the blog. The problem for me is that I do not have a credit card yet. However, I’m hoping that I will eventually get my hands on a pair of tickets and sell them to someone on this site and all of that money will go toward the site.

  15. You are doing a great job guys. Kudos!

    The posts are always fun to read, especially the 42sense 🙂 Podcasts are always fun to listen, sometimes I listen them late and have my own “AMBUSH” session. 🙂

    This website is the best (and probably the only one) source for a Hornet fan to receive up-to-date (almost up-to-minute) information on pretty much anything you can think about the whole organization. So, I thank you for that.

    I realize that hornets247.com is affiliated with ESPN and I was happy to read an article by Ryan there a couple of weeks ago about the change in CP3’s game (how he became or can become a Stockton-type PG, I hope a faster version!) I hope more will come…

    I want to share an idea with you. You can have your own custom baseball caps or custom t-shirts. (I just googled and found out that zazzle.com offer such a service) I will be happy to buy one and wear it to games. This way you can both make some extra money and profit out of those sales and that will be free advertisement. 🙂 I bet any click on ESPN videos or news or the stubhub box on the right frame would make some money as well. So more visitors is supposed to lead to some more income, right?

    I support your idea of keeping the website clean and staying away from annoying ads (like those unexpectedly-popping ones on nba.com).

    Once again, Thank you for your incredible work guys. I will do my best to support you.

    • Totally blushing . . . or I’m just flushed since I’m at work . . .

      I think the t-shirts are on the docket . . . good idea . . .

  16. I have made my donation.
    However, I do NOT want to be added to the gifts and raffles.
    It is enough to support good writing and fun people. If I do win anything, donate towards other causes.

    I will be driving tonight so will miss the game.
    I hope all is good.


    • you, as a few others, certainly deserve it.
      Between you, 42 and a few…I don’t think this sight would excite me.
      All you guys are always so calm and thoughtful…it’s almost as if you don’t wrestle with any inner demons like I do!
      I guess not many wives find their husbands hiding under the bed sucking their thumbs in the fetal position like my poor Theresa does…..

      • The great Phil Anselmo once growled: By Demons Be Driven.

        You aren’t alone Paul, just on a different positoin on the wheel. It’ll turn, already is…

  17. The cap and t shirt ideas are both good. I tell everyone about the site. I also just took a survey from the Hornets. When it asked where I got my Hornets news, under other I typed in the 247 website. This is the first site I go to when I get to my computer. Keep up the good work. Donation to follow.

  18. I think by far this is the deepest hornets team I have seen. The Hornets will be a very tough team to face in the playoffs. When healthy, I BEElieve the hornets can make a run at a title.WE NEED TO STAY HEALTHY. FANUP!111

  19. Any way to meet up with one of you guys at the celtics game to make a donation? I dont do the whole card thing. They are the devil. Straight cash homie.

  20. Love your work, Keep it up

    Always happy to donate to a worthy cause

    Cheers, all the way from Australia!

  21. Will definately be donating as soon as I’ve finished writing this.

    HUGELY appreciate the work of all the guys. This site gives me so much, the least I could do is give a bit back.

  22. This is the ONLY place I go for my daily dose of Hornets. Keep up the great work!

    I’ll be sending you guys my Retro Bucs Chris Paul jersey to give away.

  23. I thought the title was Putting out the Heat. Haha

    I want one of those CP3 jerseys. 😀 Donating everything in my PayPal account although it’s not much. 🙂

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