In the NO Podcast 21: Trade Fallout

In Part 1 of the Podcast, Michael and Ryan talk about the Thornton-Landry trade and then break down all the other trades that hit the Western Conference and what they mean for the Hornets.  Enjoy!

30 responses to “In the NO Podcast 21: Trade Fallout”

    … is how I would rank them from deepest to weakest …. if it really matters:
    (* – if needed in the rotation)

    (1st) NUGGETS:
    1-Felton, 2-Afflalo, 3-Gallanari, 4-Martin, 5-Hilario,
    6-Lawson, 7-Smith, 8-Chandler, 9-Harrington, 10-Andersen

    (2nd) SUNS:
    1-Nash, 2-Carter, 3-Hill, 4-Frye, 5-Lopez,
    6-Dudley, 7-Brooks, 8-Gortat, 9-Pietrus, 10-Warrick

    (3rd) LAKERS:
    1-Fisher, 2-Bryant, 3-Artest, 4-Gasol, 5-Bynum,
    6-Odom, 7-Brown, 8-Blake, 9-Barnes, *10-Walton

    (4th) THUNDER:
    1-Westbrook, 2-Sefolosha, 3-Durant, 4-Ibaka, 5-Perkins,
    6-Harden, 7-Collison, 8-Mohammed, 9-Robinson, *10-Maynor

    (5th) HORNETS:
    1-Paul, 2-Green, 3-Ariza, 4-West, 5-Okafor,
    6-Landry, 7-Jack, 8-Belinelli, 9-Gray, *10-Pondextor

    (6th) SPURS:
    1-Parker, 2-Ginobili, 3-Jefferson, 4-Duncan, 5-Blair,
    6-Hill, 7-McDyess, 8-Neal, 9-Bonner, *10-Splitter

    1-Miller, 2-Matthews, 3-Batum, 4-Wallace, 5-Aldridge,
    6-Fernandez, 7-Roy, 8-Camby, 9-Mills, *10-Johnson

    (8th) JAZZ:
    1-Harris, 2-Miles, 3-Kirilenko, 4-Milsap, 5-Jefferson,
    6-Bell, 7-Okur, 8-Watson, 9-Favors, *10-Hayward

    (9th) GRIZZLES:
    1-Conley, 2-Mayo, 3-Gay, 4-Randolph, 5-Gasol,
    6-Allen, 7-Battier, 8-Young, 9-Arthur, *10-Williams

    … agree or disagree?

    By the way, if the Spurs really do have the 6th best rotation from this bunch; it really is a credit to their team chemistry, because that’s the only way you can overcome such a ‘weak’ team (from a depth standpoint) … I mean come on … Neal and Bonner? Wow, big stuff right!

    I guess we’re hoping that the same concept applies to the Hornets. Maybe their not as ‘deep’, but maybe the chemistry can be ‘elite’ come playoff time!


    • … I will state this from last night’s pathetic loss to the Rockets, and others like it (Bulls and Thunder losses due to missed free throws in the 4th quarter) … these 4th quarter collapses are correctable flaws by way of ‘EFFORT’. When you look at all the problems that we could have … this should be easy to fix by playoff time and during a playoff series.

      The Hornets are pretty solid the entire game until the 4th quarter, and then they start making stupid mistakes that they actually can control (turnovers, missed free throws, and rebounding). These are problems in the 4th quarter that revolve around ‘Security’ of the ball, ‘Focus’ at the free throw line, and ‘Hustle’ for rebounds, all of which are based on ‘EFFORT’ not talent! The Hornets can fix EFFORT … talent issues are more difficult correct.

      So, hey, let’s get our act together team and give the same EFFORT that was given in quarters 1 – 3 !


      • Hey L_Reazy,

        I really like your alot but I would put the Blazers higher. I knwo Roys only like 60%, but I think Gerald Wallace makes them deeper at that wing position that is huuuuge in the playoffs. I like their depth more than the Hornets id say now and the Spurs. Thats just my opinion though.

        What you think about the Hornets getting Leon Powe?

      • I say we pass on Leon Powe. I like him, but we don’t need him, and we’re already too close to the luxury tax line.

        I would say, at this point, ‘2-guard’ is our only need heading into the post season. I think Green and Belinelli are playing the best ball they’ve played all season right now, but to add a good SG / SF to start or come off the bench with Belinelli would be huge heading into the playoffs.

        My DREAM: The Pistons come to their senses and release Rip Hamilton. We sign him for the rest of the season and buyout Marcus Banks in order to remain under the luxury tax.

        1-Paul, 2-Green, 3-Ariza, 4-West, 5-Okafor
        6-Landry, 7-Jack, 8-Hamilton, 9-Belinelli, 10-Gray

        …now that seems to fulfill more of our needs than adding Powe, but I like your thinking of the need for BIG guys in the playoffs. I think we have enough with West, Okafor, Landry, Gray, Smith, Andersen, & Mbenga.


  2. I brought this up in November / December of 2010, but I’ll pose the argument again:

    Anyone believe, NOW, that Chris Paul might be playing mediocre to give management, fans, and the media the impression that he is tradeable?

    Let’s face it, you don’t get traded when everyone feels (for one reason or another) that you are off-limits to other teams or too valuable to include in any trade because your the ‘Superstar’ or the face of the franchise.

    The more CP3 plays like “6pts on 2-12 shooting” and not being aggressive in the 4th quarter, the more everyone stops referring to him (1) as a Superstar, and (2) by his nickname of CP3, no, he’ll just be Chris Paul by then, maybe even ‘the point guard from Wake Forest”. Once those labels are removed he’ll definitely be considered tradeable for serviceable parts like Melo was … right or wrong?


    • No, he’s too competitive for that. Shooting can’t always be controlled, but he wouldn’t be getting 10+ assists with minimal turnovers if he was holding back.

  3. The Hornets bench usually are the ones that usually give up the lead or keep teams in games. CP was +10 and some of the other starters did well… I just wouldnt put them that high the way they gave up that game but it may have something to do with chemistry and Landry. I Def think Belinelli should play more when hes been as hot as hes been lately

  4. I dont know its a possibility but CPs working his ass off now. Hes just not playing aggressive on offense. His inconsistency on offense makes you not want to depend on him at all.

  5. wow i can’t believe people are dissing CP3.

    “His inconsistencies on offense makes you not want to depend on him at all”

    “Anyone believe, NOW, that Chris Paul might be playing mediocre to give management, fans, and the media the impression that he is trade-able?”

    Wow just wow. How quickly people’s mind change. One day people were saying “Cp3 is back” and then the next day say those things. I mean. WOW. There is a huge possibility that CP3 will never be CP3 circa 0708 or 0809 but still CP3 being the normal CP3 is still better than most PGs(Deron is the only one i’d rather take, even then its a toss up). you can point to Lowry’s big game, but as Ryan pointed out they were all crazy 3s so i’d take that. Cp3’s shooting is erratic right now. more erratic that its ever been. but take not that Cp3 had stretches like this before. Dec 14 – 17 2007. Dec 28 2007 – January 2 2008. Dec 12 – 16 2008. and many more. the one thing you’d like cp3 to do is manage the game. and CP3 managed the game GREAT. 12 assists on 0 turnovers with 3 steals? still awesome. the bad shooting night makes it less awesome.

    if cp3 plays like crap in a possibly lockout shortened season 2011-2012, then i’ll finally accept. cp3 is either injured or doing something wrong. But i’ll give him the benefit of the doubt through out this season until next because he deserves it. He deserves to be treated that way because he’s given us 5 years of GREATNESS with 2 years of unspeakable dominance. i know people are pissed with what he did over the summer(not really stopping the rumors) but the same can be said about the Hornets management. Why haven’t they put enough resources to put a scouting team? Better facilities? a better bench? it works both ways. I believe CP3 is no James. He’ll always be a human being with a heart and a soul, and like any normal person would feel cheated/betrayed/etc.. if what needs to be done, can’t be done. James is soulless. Left Cleveland to die after putting all their time and effort into building a contender for him. Paul will never do that.

    • 1st off … CP3 is my favorite player in the league, but unlike a lot of Marcus Thornton fans, I can think objectively about my favorite player; and be critical of what I see.

      2ndly, I never said he was back! I read a lot of comments that alluded to that, but he has never played 07-08 MVP ball this season IMO. He has been decent. Chris Paul is not playing like the best of anything right now.

      12 assist last night … that was good … +14 … that was good too, but Aaron Gray had a +10 one night … so, stats are stats and even more stats … I DON”T CARE ABOUT STATS. Stats get players more money and more contracts. I’m a FAN … I watch the games and determine where impact is made. What helped our team at certain times?

      Was a solid screen made? Was that a fundamental block-out? How did ‘He’ hedge on the screen? Rotations, running the floor to make the 2-on-1 or 3-on-2 work. Legal shoving in the paint … etc…

      ‘nikkoewan’ I’m not hating … we need CP3 to start playing for real so that we can win more, and I need him too so that I can go back to talking trash to my friends who are ‘Hornets-Haters’. You cannot tell me that you are absolutely pleased about what you’ve seen from him this season … forget the potential injury OK! A man of simplicity would say, “If your playing then your playing.” I say, “If your playing, then stop playing.” … as in stop playing around and play with urgency!

      If you had to choose, and please choose 1 of the options;

      (1) Is Chris Paul playing more like a Superstar right now?


      (2) Is Chris Paul playing more like he’s giving us the impression that he is trade-able?


      • i’ll say CP3 is playing like a SuperStar. It’s all mental for him. He’s afraid about his knees. and rightfully so. You can see the disgust in his eyes.

        I told you, give him until the 2nd half of next year’s season. His injury is on the knees, and it will take him time to adjust to his knees. I’m sure with his work ethics and insane drive to win, he’ll get back to dominating other PGs. Until then? I’ll settle for this deferring-sometimes-trying-but-unable-to-do-so-due-to-health-concerns CP3 because he’s better than 98% of PGs.

      • Much respect bruh … I see what you mean!

        Maybe if the whole trade demand thing didn’t happen this summer I wouldn’t speculate, but, I’ll take your wait-and-see approach!


  6. Yea I agree, he is my favorite player as well. Compared to the best point guard hes been for most of his career hes not even close to how he used to play. Like you cant honestly say hes nearly as good as hes been in the past for whatever reasons idk. Thats all im sayin. The old CP woulda taken over that game and led that team to a win.

  7. well being someone who has had knee surgery it takes 18 months for a player to return to where they were before the surgery. ill give him a break this season because of this give him another season to rehab and i guarantee he’ll be alot better. if this is true he probably wont be in the world championship also.

  8. I think Deron Williams got traded b/c of the fans perception that he had Sloan canned. He didn’t. Sloan plateaued and didn’t evolve. His team watched tape two times in the past two seasons and that is just unacceptable. Nonetheless, fans assume and like to point fingers at Deron. Therefore, Utah’s suit-and-ties appeased the fans by shipping him out to the Jersey Shore.

    As for the Hornets, I think landing Landry was a huge upgrade. Marcus Thorton was a false idol, it did not deserve half his praise. Willie G. and Belly have shown us post-All Star, that they can keep the back court alive. West, Landry, and Okafor, should prove to be a solid front line moving forward. My only concern is CP3’s killer instinct, or lack thereof. During the Byron Scott era, he would takeover and close-out games, but in this season not so much (e.g. Mardi Gras loss). Given that Demps has made a sufficient amount of trades and Monty has shown he’s competent w-streak and w-streak again, CP3 has no excuse not to go HAM in 4th quarter thrillers. If a less efficient youth from Chicago can do it, whilst his front line being on the DL, then CP3 should be able to do it no problem IMO.

  9. Sorry Reazy. Can’t agree with you at all. As someone who had a serious injury that kept me froplaying for TWO YEARS, i know what’s wrong with CP. I said it from the start of the season. I think 42 and QueenBee can vouch for that. It’s MENTAL. Injuries mess with your head dude. NO ONE wants ro get hurt again after being out for so long. You WILL NOT see a fully healthy CP til playlets or next season. Physically, i can bet he’s got some querks still. But Nothings worse than the mental aspect. It will come and go. Every time he tweaks something or gets hit hard, it’s gonna mess with his head. And that’s what u see now. Hesitation. Im 5’11 but i used to attack the basket nonstop and try to dunk over people and everything. But now? No way will i try that anymore. I’ve turned into a jump shooter. How often do u see CP attack the basket this season vs prior seasons? It’s completely different now because of his mental state.

    • I know what you mean about it being mental … I broke my ankle after rolling it over on someone’s foot while grabbing a rebound back in 2001… SIDE BAR: I was wearing those Iverson’s that he wore in the NBA Finals … you know, the mid-low tops; OUCH!

      Anyway, mental is one thing, but the moment your able to play means something too right? I didn’t step back on the court until I knew my ankle was strong enough … once I was back out there I felt weirdness, but nothing to prevent me from being aggressive. No, that was all taken care of in rehab-therapy. Sure, I had to ice before and after time on the court, and other heating / icing treatments; but once I was on the court I was ready to go!

      Point is, if your on the court, I assume as a fan that your ready to go! But, I’ll take the wait-and-see approach towards next season, and hope for whatever he can give this season. I support CP3 … I think he’s the next ‘Magic’ or ‘Isaiah’ who were actually my first two favorite players in the NBA.


  10. Marcus Thornton career high 29 pts 4 reb. 2 assist 3 steals and 1 block. You are so right Monty he doesn’t deserve minutes.

      • ugh i knew people would use that. ugh i hate this whole Marcus Thornton thing. just let go we got a better player and a better fit.

    • Man, I know Landry is going to help and all, but right now, watching MT5 STILL GIVE NEW ORLEANS PROPS IN HIS POSTGAME INTERVIEW tonight, I feel like part of my Hornets soul just died.

    • Just A Fan & Monty’s Doghouse, that game was magical! The fans there are totally taken to him…we saw quite a few with his new jersey on and all! WOW! Check out one of their blog sites, ‘sactownroyalty’ and read the article regarding Marcus…it’s a great article…one I think you’ll enjoy!!! Geaux Hornets!! Geaux Marcus…Bring the thunder!!!

      • Mark your calendars. March 12. Our Hornets host The Kings and Marcus comes back.

        Maybe He can play at SAC for the rest of the year and we can sign a “more experienced” Marcus back as a free agent in the off-season. 🙂

  11. Even so outstanding game and they didn’t blow the game at the end like Monty’s Minions are prone to do. Man I miss that dude.

  12. sad to say really like marcus but for him to really shine and make big money he had to leave home i think he be a super star long after laundry is going hey the hornets once owned kobe we see what happend there we got some old ass dude for him

    • Yea … please stop!

      Marcus proved last year that he could put up numbers on a bad team, but Carl Landry has proven to do the same on a playoff team; which Marcus DID NOT prove this year! Did he get a fair shot? It’s debatable, but I lean more in favor of ‘he did get a fair shot’, because he was on the team before the two SGs that replaced him.

      Paul Westphal runs the same offense as Jeff Bower …. lol … ‘Do What You Want’! No continuity or structure. Just pure playground basketball. Hot Sauce and Headache could start for the Kings right now!

      No disrespect to Marcus, but he has to learn how to play Playoff – Championship basketball! He’s got the street-ball ISO game for sure!


      • Paul Westphal is an idiot and the Pac Div is a joke. If any player wants to go on a team to inflate their personal stats, Sac Town is the place to be.

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