Just Passing it Along….

Don’t want to cause a stir around here, but I had a very interesting conversation with an Eastern Conference front office person who told me that the Hornets and Cavs are still discussing Antawn, and the current deal being discussed involves several other players, including Trevor Ariza and Jamario Moon. One or more of the Heat’s picks and cash are also on the table, and Cleveland is pushing the currently proposed deal, but Demps has not given a firm NO, or anything close to that.

The belief is that Jamison could provide a much needed scoring punch, but his salary is still too high. Sending Ariza away in the deal helps unload some future salary burden, but the Hornets will want more if this trade is to go through. If it does go through, expect a third team to be involved.

Just acting as a messenger….

108 responses to “Just Passing it Along….”

  1. well you just caused a stir. Appreciate the inside info and the quick post but ARIZA WHYWHWHYWEFHEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!YYYY!!!!!!! god no. Emeka Okafor, Trevor Ariza, CP and Dwest should be untouchable. I wanted jamison but never at the cost of trevor the old man aent worth it. ugh…..

  2. If Troy Murphy gets bought out, rumour mill says Orlando.

    Antwan Jamison is on the decline, so I don’t expect this to help us entirely unless he can somehow dig back in time with his game.

    I heard Chris Kaman was also somewhat available. Not sure if he’d fit, but I like Kaman.

    • kaman is a bad fit for us and he will have way to big of an asking price… he is an all star caliber player and my friends with some inside clipper knowledge say they may wait till next year to see how he plays with blake…. but they arent against moving him in the future given how impressive deandre jordan has been

  3. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

      • Hmmm…I looked at the stats before I posted Hornet. lol. But that doesn’t tell me how he did.

        Could he be our starting SF? Or backup PF?

      • Looking at the gamelog he played great prior to the final 2 games in the Boston series where LeBron just quit on the team. He had a game in Boston where he had 20 and 12.

        I think he would be our back up PF and SF. Starting Jamison would create the slowest starting forward tandom of all time with Jamison and West.

  4. If we were going to trade Ariza, id personally rather hickson. Also, Heat first rounder will b nothing because it will be very late and this is one of the worst classes ever.

  5. Ariza does TOO MUCH for the team defensively! Their perimeter defense will suffer unless they get a quality piece in return (Iggy). Jamario Moon is a poor man’s Ariza, this would not be good. This team regresses if there is an Ariza-Moon swap SH******T

    • sixers will not give up iggy anymore i dont think… they have been playing way too well lately and the main reason is because iggy has been amazing. they are firmly in the playoffs and many people think they are on the rise. no way they are trading iggy . altough i would love to have him

  6. Jamison for Ariza? Is Cleveland that desperate to unload him? I can see it happening because jamison is just wasting his time in Cleveland. he’s not doing anything. Might as well ship him away along with jamario Moon to a playoff contender where they can do some good. Trevor Ariza certainly would not be missed in NOH. Yeah he’s a decent defendeer, but his offense is TERRIBLE. he’s tries too hard to do too much and it makes him look foolish.

    • That was the game Ariza got hurt. Ariza wasn’t there for about 20 of those which came in about the final 12 minutes.

      • In the games before hand Durant shot 7/22 (26 pts), 8/20 (25 pts), 7/18 (22 pts)

        Ariza has done a great job on KD this year.

    • I agree 95%!

      I’d take Gibson over Jack any day ….

      Moon isn’t Ariza on defense, but he has a better clue on how to play offense … No offense to Ariza!!!!

      Jamison over David Andersen … nuff said!!!

      ***The only thing I’d change about your trade is add another player to it versus eat 3 million dollars.


  7. I don’t think Hornets will trade Ariza, he has been so important in Monty’s system… we should bring a SG who can take pressure off Ariza.

  8. The Bees have a shot in the West with this current team…They’ve shown they can play with the best teams. With our starting lineup and Willie Green playing at a high level now (and hopefully the rest of the season) they def have a chance. It would be dumb to pull an Orlando of 2009 and ship out guys just for the sake of shaking up the team. They just need everyone to get and stay healthy. The West is definitely up for grabs this year more so than any year.

    Ariza is too essential for this team especially against the wing players as Hornet said. Jamison is too offensive minded although he is a great rebounded for his size. I think it will definitely hurt more so than help.

  9. I don’t see how bringing in an over payed and quickly aging backup and sending out a pretty solid young starter and heart of our perimeter defense improves us in any way at all. Moon has already peaked at mediocrity as well. Why would we bring in pieces to keep CP that drove LeBron away? Also, isn’t Jamison’s contract up after this year anyway? So this would be a really expensive rental?!?!

    In a mostly unrelated topic, this picture is pretty funny:

  10. Less happy about this than I am about the JR trade. This would be a “Cleveland” type of a move. One that reaps little benefits and buries us in misery if CP leaves.

  11. Well Michael said we’re going to want more than that, so don’t think we’re happy with this.

    I just hope we’re not really desperate and make a move just to make a move.

  12. Heck no…as much as we need offense, we have won more games with defense than lost because of our offense. I think he would great for the team but heck no for Trevor.

  13. I would like Gibson, Jamison, and Moon. Remeber, this article says “involves several other players, including Trevor Ariza and Jamario Moon,” which means that these are not the ONLY players. Gibson, Jamison, and Moon gives us depth. And I wouldnt mind bringing in JR either. Assuming we give away Thorton, Ariza, Jason Smith, and Marcus Banks, here’s what we look like:

    PG: Paul/Jack
    SG: Gibson/JR/Green
    SF: Moon/Pondexter/Green (ouch)
    PF: West/Jamison
    C: Emeka/Gray

    Maybe Jamison could start at three, i dont know. But this becomes a more offensive minded team than defensive. I, personally, would take this team over our current roster. Just an idea.

  14. Wow Demps isnt playing around. If Dell is so serius in the market y not try to go after Monta? We need a starting two (Since Marcus seems to be in position to be 6th man) and with CP3 taking a step back in scoring Monta cud be perfect. I wish we wud make a deal for TWill tho. I was thinking of a three team deal that cud get us Camby & Terrance Williams. Im hoping demps is still looking at Camby. Hed be huge
    Something like this:

    • Sincerely Yours, are you the former NOLABanks96?

      Unless they get a STUD in return, G State wont move Monta Ellis.

      I like Camby too. But I don’t see that deal happening. And I don’t think Camby will want to be here.

      • I am Banks changed my name. I kno Gstate wud want a stud so we wud have to pronly get involved in a 3 or 4 team deal. It is unlikely. We are looking at Portland’s big man so Camby may be here but realistically i think we were looking more at Przybilla

  15. Paul’s dreamin’ of NYC, West won’t extend, team may be headed for contraction. In this scenario, it makes sense to bring Jamison in and see what the team can do this year because the door is closing. With Ariza gone in the deal, it’s offense for defense. ‘Tawn is a terrible defender, but that’s getting less important to Monty obviously.

    • Really?

      Paul wants to win more than anything. Whoever gives him the best chance to win, he’ll go to.

      West won’t extend because if he does, his contract will pay him less and less per year. His contract is front loaded. Research is a powerful tool.

      And I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that defense is not the most important thing to Monty anymore.

  16. If they are serious about this trade what’s the point in shipping in trevor and complaining about lack of an adequate wing defender in recent years

    • He has provided a great deal to this team. Moving him should be well-considered, but I don’t consider him untouchable.

      We are at that rare good, thin team. We have to change the thin part, but we have to do it while fearing we’ll spoil that good part. If Ariza is worth something to someone else, we have to consider moving him.

      I think we need the best defenders we can get on the wings of the players that can get 1.25 points per shot at least.

      • I can understand it from that point 42, but if I’m moving him, I’d want something of WORTH back. Jamario Moon? Really?

        A lot of you are also high on Gerald Wallace. I’m not. He is pretty injury prone, and HASNT been injured this season yet. I can just picture it, “in his debut with the Hornets, Gerald Wallace suffered a severe high ankle sprain while attempting a lob pass from Chris Paul, and will miss the next 3 weeks”.

      • I think any deal worth doing will involve Ariza or Thornton. I do not believe the converse to be true in all cases.

        I don’t know enough to evaluate this deal, but the money side gives me pause.

  17. http://games.espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=48fu9yl

    Two ideas I had. My biggest problem, is I think the team defense takes a hit by losing Ariza. Before his return I believe the numbers were something like this. Before Mek went down, the hornets were holding teams to 92 ppg, then in the games following up to Ariza’s injury the Hornets allowed 100ppg. Then when Trevor went down, allowed 102ppg until his return. Now we are back to around 99ppg. So it seems obvious that his perimeter defense is worth around 2-3 ppg. WE NEED MEK BACK! (sorry for the sidebar)

    I cant see there being any way they would give up Hickson, as he is someone you can move forward with as a great compliment to Varejao. But if they are willing to possibly give up multiple 1st rounders, even if they are pick 27+ Heat picks, they might be willing to swap Jack for Sessions. This gives us an upgrade at backup PG and eases long-term salary tied up in Jack.

    i wish there was a way to do the trade without losing Ariza, but that would require moving Jack, Banks, Green, Andersen, AND shed Gray or Mbenga to stay under the tax. So we would have to have another team willing to take 2 of the players involved. It just seems pretty wild of a trade without Ariza. I don’t know if I like it, time will tell.

  18. Quick update, here is the exact proposal Cleveland has on the table for us:

    Jamario Moon, Ramon Sessions, Jamison, 1 Heat first rounder of our choice, Cleveland’s 2011 2nd rounder, cash (unspecified amount)


    Ariza, Banks, Jack, and Anderson

    The Hornets still want to bring in another team or would like to work out a deal where they get a more viable starting SF, but supposedly like the upgrades of Jamison and Session, who bring more scoring off the bench. Cleveland’s pick would likely be the first pick of the second round, which could produce value, and the Heat pick along with the cash help ease the blow of Antawn’s huge salary next year.

    The Hornets also believe that Jamison can play with West and Okafor to close out games and Moon can give them similar defensive production to Ariza in the middle stages of the game.

    I still think this deal is only 15-20%, but I am most interested by the fact that Ariza and Jack are on the table. Is Sessions an improvement over Jack? The numbers say yes, but I am not so sure, although he does have a more favorable contract. Paul might not like to see Jack go, but I am sure Monty and Dell will tell him that Jack will get more playing time in Cleveland. Also, might a seperate trade in which the Hornets land Paul’s other buddy JR Smith ease his worries. Marco and Jason Smith for JR Smith?

    CP3/ Sessions
    Green/ Smith/ MT5
    West/ Jamison
    Okafor/ Gray/Mbenga

    Smith and Jamison would likely play 30 minutes at SF, with Moon just being a spot player. That combo, along with Sessions upgrades the offense considerably- but isn’t this supposed to be a defensive team?

    6 days until the deadline!

      • need more time to grind the thought of the trade in my brain before i make a decision on how i feel, at work but glad you gettin us the info

        ps. i love ariza

    • Not only do the numbers say sessions is an upgrade over Jack, Hollinger, my eyes, the contract, and the fact that he’s well known as a great pick-and-roll PG means that he’ll bring alot more stability to the backup PG position, as our schemes wouldn’t have to change a bit.

      Jamison flat out doesn’t turn the ball over, and is great as a spot-up guy. This trade would be a homerun for the hornets, and turns our expiring deals into tradeable assets in the future. People want sessions now and Jamison as an expiring will be quite valuable as well.

      • i like sessions alot and think he is better than jack… i just think this move is way to offensive minded given we are giving up our most versitile defensive player in ariza…. i honestly really like ariza and think he is key to this teams success. although this trade is very intriguing.. not too high on moon and the essentially 2 2nd round picks given they will be around the 30th pick each but jamison is a great fit .

        just honestly dont think we should give up ariza

      • Defense aside, you can’t have 7mil/yr locked up for 4 years for a guy with an 11 PER if you’re a small market team. Whether it helps on the court remains to be seen, but it certainly helps from a cap management standpoint unless as ryan alluded that Jamison’s albatross next year hurts us in resigning DWest.

      • I agree Steven. I’m hesitant on giving him up. He’s REALLY jelling well with CP right now. To move him means we’ll be adding guys who need 40-45 teams to learn to jell with him.

    • I think you were lied to:

      Sources say Cleveland, in general, is telling teams that it’s willing to take on long-term salary in a trade — something you don’t hear often these days, with so much fear about the next labor agreement and how restrictive it could be — but only if a quality prospect or draft pick is attached. The Cavs aren’t interested in cap-clearing deals. They obviously need talent …


      and even more damning…

      Since the start of February, Sessions is averaging 19.6 points and 8.9 assists in eight games. He
      had a season-high 32 points and nine assists after replacing an injured Williams less than four minutes into Wednesday’s stunning win over the Los Angeles Lakers.

      All of those performances have increased his stock around the league, but the Cavs would want at least a young impact player on a good contract, a first-round pick or both in exchange


      That trade definitely does not match up with the path that the Cavs have been informing everyone they are going down. Seems like the complete opposite actually. I dont believe it.

      • BMac: I am guessing you are a Cavs fan that has run across this post. I only say that because of those who frequent this blog, and has paid close attention, it has become increasingly clear that McNamara’s source is in the Cavs front office. This is the first time his information about the Hornets from his unidentified “Eastern Conference front office” source has involved the Cavs. However, in past discussions about the Hornets it seems like it was the Cavs front office. Now these talks come out with A LOT of specific details. He will never say for sure, as well he shouldn’t, but I think it has become an easy assumption.

        His source has been pretty spot on in the past with regards to the Hornets maneuvers. So I would tend to think there is more than a grain of truth in these trade talks. You are most likely correct that they value Sessions very highly. I would think so highly that they would only move him for the assets that you point out, or to get out from under an over-valued long term player that is not part of a rebuild like Jamison. Don’t kid yourself, getting out from under $15m for a player next year is worth more than a first round pick.

        Even if the trade doesn’t go through, it doesn’t mean that McNamara’s source is poor or lying to him. If I were you though, as a Cavs fan I would keep an eye on this blog for an idea of what your team is doing.

      • I still think topher is one of the smartest fellas we have on here, and we have alot of smart people up in here, up in here.

    • hahaha when has CP and JR ever been friends? Pretty sure JR was shipped out of town in the first place for the exact opposite.

  19. Also, just to note- the trade increases our payroll by 7 million next year (and 9 if you count the two picks), but decreases the payroll by almost 9 million the following year, which is the year that CP3 can opt out. This trade could allow the Hornets to enter that year with only Okafor, a resigned West (hopefully), and a couple young guys on rookie contracts on the books. That could mean resigning CP3 and adding another star, if CP3 can recruit one.

    Wishful thinking, but it is crucial to note that this trade could open the door for increased flexibility in the summer of 2012, at the expense of increased flexibility this year. And to add onto the “wishful thinking”, the Hornets would love to find a way to make Gerald Wallace the SF we get back in this deal, via three-team trade. I don’t even want to speculate, but if you guys would love to throw out some proposals, I will happily read.

    If the Hornets can somehow add Ariza and Jamison without going over the tax, I would be all for it. Just don’t see how it gets done.

  20. Final point to consider, and then I am done on this trade:

    How does the fact that Jamison is earning 15 million next year effect the team’s negotiations with David West? From all reports, the Hornets are more than willing to give him something in the ball park of 4 years/40 million, but would Jamison effect that at all?

    It is easy to be a GM from your couch, but the reality of it is hard.

    Join us all day on February 24th as we will have a live chat heading up to the deadline. Should be a fascinating couple of hours, start planning your excuses for staying home from work NOW!

  21. Earlier in the season everyone was bashing Ariza, now that he might be traded everyone loves him. Just saying. You know who you are

  22. Hornets get:
    Gerald Wallace
    D.J. Augustin
    Kwame Brown
    Antawn Jamison
    Cavs 2nd Rounder

    Bobcats get:
    Marco Belinelli/Marcus Thornton
    Jason Smith
    Ramon Sessions
    Jamario Moon
    Heats 1st Rounder

    Cavs get:
    Trevor Ariza
    Marcus Banks
    Jarrett Jack
    David Andersen

  23. All this stuff sounds interesting, but these trade scenarios give us more scoring at the expense of finding another big who can guard the rim. How far can that take us in the West? Is the thinking that we only use a piece of the trade exception now, cause those things will be more valuable with a hard cap coming, or could we maybe dangle the rest of it to pick up a serviceable 4/5?

  24. I had came up with a kinda sorta similar trade to you Sincerely Yours96


    We get
    Antawn Jamison
    Ramon Sessions
    Joey Graham
    Gerald Wallace

    Cavs get
    Trevor Ariza
    Jarret Jack
    Jason Smith / or Marco Belinelli (Depending on if we rather keep a big or a small. I’d rather it be Smith so that we can keep some 3 point shooters on the team)
    David Anderson

    Bobcats get
    Marcus Thornton
    Jamario Moon
    Marcus Banks

    I hate putting Thornton in this trade, but just tryin to make it as realistic as possible. and in order to get bobcats to listen and get in on this deal Thornton might be what it takes.

  25. i think we should just wait till melo gets traded to the nets… which seems very likeely. Murphy is going to get bought out by the nuggets and we offer him a solid deal…. we keep what we have defensively and get a boost with troy coming in off the bench

  26. If Nuggets deal Melo to Nets, we can get Troy Murphy because they said they’ll find a third team to trade with and we would get murphy and a 1st round Nets pick. Not bad. Maybe toss JR in there too.

  27. From the comments over on the Cav’s forums there is no way this rumor has any truth to it. They even believe that the Cav’s are willing to take on salary and are not just looking to shed it at this time. I would do the trade in a heartbeat but it just seems too good to be true. The Hornets just never seem to come out on the good end of trades.

    • dude you are totally right man. I mean the cavs have such a strong core right now and they look to be headed in the right place. Logical thing to do is take on more salary so they can maintain this groove they in right now. Genius

    • I had heard the same rumors about them wanting to take on salary in exchange for high quality (read this as picks 6-20) picks. They have been checking the market for teams looking to unload some expirings and potential long term smaller (~4 mill) for younger players teams wish to dump.

      However, the important thing to remember is that this thought process is not diametrically apposed to the desire to move over-valued players not in the plans for their rebuild. In fact I would think moving such players (Jamison and Mo) would be borderline necessary. If they could move Jamison they would only have $33M in salary next year without any other moves. That is monster for a team that might take on an additional $10 in junk contracts to get a couple high first round picks. Then year after next they would should have a good young core with more picks coming and be in the $30M salary range again.

      I think the idea that they are looking to take on salary actually strengthens the case they think they can move Jamison to the Hornets in exchange for losing a 28-30 pick, possibly a 33rd pick, a decent PG, and $3 million in cash. Then all they need to do is find someone to take Mo and they are really in the salary clear.

    • Danny Granger has never been available this year. He is their CP3, he will not be had without giving up a whole lot of assets, and they definitely are not looking to lose one of the two young assets they have.

      • Actually he was avaliable at first, but after coaching change they are now playoffs conterder, now he is no longer avaliable

  28. Hey guys…came across this from one of the Cavs boards. First off, for anyone hoping for Hickson, the only way he’d be heading to NO is if West was involved. He’s been playing really well lately and is still only 22. The deal proposed is interesting, but I don’t really see where it helps the Cavs that much.

    Gilbert doesn’t care about paying Jamison’s salary and has made that much clear. Unless they get a great offer before the deadline, the Cavs are better off waiting and trying to trade Jamison during the draft or during next year when he’s a large expiring contract (and part of his salary may not get paid if there is a lockout). Jamison is perhaps the biggest asset they have, so I highly doubt they would unload him along with two picks for a package of Ariza, Banks, Anderson, and Jack.

    The Cavs are already heavy at guard, and Williams, Gibson, and Seesions are all better than either Jack or Banks. Ariza would be a decent addition and fill a position of need, but the other guys in the trade don’t offer much.

    BTW, the reasoning for the Cavs saying they are willing to take on a long term deal is that they know they won’t be a contending team again till several years down the road. It’s already been shown that good free agents won’t sign in Cleveland (just like the majority of small markets) so the cap space doesn’t matter. The owner is willing to pay any type of salary or luxury tax. That means they are willing to take on a long term deal if they get quality picks or young players in return. The thought is that by the time the Cavs are competing for the playoffs again, that big, long term contract will be an expiring deal that they can hopefully flip for an impact player. Great strategy in theory but obviously many things can go wrong.

    Anyway, the proposed deal I saw just doesn’t make sense when you factor in everything the Cavs front office has said all season. They know they are rebuilding and the only real assets they need to worry about trading right now Moon and Parker if they want to. The Cavs are in the business of gaining assets, whether that’s draft picks or young talented players. This trade really satisfies nothing that the Cavs are after. For a deal like this to work, a 3rd team would likely have to be brought in that could offer the Cavs more in the way of draft picks and/or young players. It would be a great move for NO though. Jamison has been playing pretty well this season and his $15 mill would clear off the books just in time for Chris Paul.

  29. One question: Why would the Bobcats trade Gerald Wallace?

    I love the idea of getting Jamison and Sessions … but when you add Wallace’s name to that possible trade I start to get overly excited. Before I get too excited … (in the words of Scarface) just tell me why, Frank? Why would they trade Wallace to anyone?

    I mean, if the Hornets somehow got Jamison, Sessions, and Wallace … and then executed a J.R. Smith trade … Demps would be Exec.-Of-The-Year!

    F-West, F-Wallace, C-Okafor, G-JR Smith, G-Paul

    F-Jamison, F-Moon, C-Mbenga, G-Green, G-Sessions

    Assuming in some form of a trade the Hornets would have to part ways with:

    Ariza, Jack, Thornton, J. Smith, Gray, Andersen, Banks, Belinelli, & Pondextor.



  30. Hornets get:
    Antawn Jamison
    Gerald Wallace
    Matt Carroll
    Kwame Brown
    Jeff Teague
    Heats 1st Round Pick

    Cavs get:
    Trevor Ariza
    Jarrett Jack
    David Andersen

    Bobcats get:
    Marcus Banks
    Marcus Thornton
    Marvin Williams

    Hawks get:
    Ramon Sessions
    Jamario Moon
    Jason Smith
    Cavs 2nd Round Pick

    • You guys are seriously out of your mind if you think anything like this would happen. The Cavs trade Jamison (who will be a huge expiring next year), Sessions (who is better and younger than Jack), Moon (doesn’t matter), along with a 1st round pick and a 2nd round pick for Ariza, Jack, and David Anderson.

      This trade would do absolutely nothing for them. They end up with a guy in Ariza who is average and overrated by most and still signed until at least 2012-2013, Jack who isn’t any better than the guards they already have or the one they would be trading (also signed through 2012-2013), and David Anderson, who from all accounts is nothing too special.

      I wouldn’t even give up the 1st and 2nd for those three players, let alone a young and improving PG in Sessions and a soon to be giant expiring in Jamison.

      The Cavs want picks and/or young players with upside in return. Not guys in their late 20’s and guys with limited upside.

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