Game On: Hornets @ Atlanta

Matchup: Hornets(27-16) @ Hawks(28-15)

Off Efficiency: Hornets 102.6(19th), Hawks 105.2(12th)
Def Efficiency: Hornets 99.6(4th), Hawks 102.2(10th)

As always, thanks to Dariusz Ejkiewicz for the gameday banner!

As the furor over Stephon Marb – er – Derrick Rose and his high-scoring game in Chicago grows more intense, the eastern conference has reached a tipping point.  With Miami, Chicago, and Boston to focus on, there isn’t much time to for the national media to concentrate on anyone else.  Sure, Orlando gets a look here and there because of their aggressive trades and Dwight Howard, but the other good eastern team, the Hawks, goes completely overlooked.

It doesn’t help they don’t have an actual superstar.  It also doesn’t help that there isn’t anything in Atlanta a sportswriter can sink his teeth into and write about.  They don’t have a stellar defense, ranking 10th in the league.  They don’t have a stellar offense, ranking 12th in the league.  What do you write?  Hawks Slightly Better Than Average At Everything!  Imagine the web traffic that would generate.

Still, the Hawks remain a very good team with some remarkable talent.  They retain edges over the opposition at effective field goal percentage, free throw rates, and turnovers.

Their only weakness is on the offensive boards, and that has to do with their shot selection.  Atlanta takes the third most long two-point shots in the league.  Happily for them, they make the second highest percentage of those shots, but standing that far from the basket makes it hard to rebound – so there’s little wing or guard support on the glass.

That gives Okafor and West an opportunity to make an impact in this game by crashing the glass and keeping Atlanta one and done on their posessions.


Hornets: None
Hawks: Marvin Williams is struggling with a back injury, but returned to practice yesterday.  I expect he will play.

Positional Analysis

PG: Mike Bibby v Chris Paul
Advantage: Hornets
Even with a bad wheel, Chris Paul versus Mike Bibby is like a Gray Warden facing a Hurlock.  Or Commander Shepherd facing a Geth.  Or Revan facing an assault droid.  Is that enough Bioware references?  Anyone else intensely excited for Dragon Age 2?

SG: Joe Johnson v Marco Belinelli
Advantage: Hawks
Joe Johnson will play most of the game, and will get turns checking and scoring on every member of the Hornets three-headed shooting guard stable.  Johnson has been having an extremely ineffective year shooting the ball, but he’s still an effective all around player, and I doubt this position will swing the Hornets way.  Marco should help him keep up his ineffective scoring, but I wonder which Marco we’ll get tonight.  1-6 Marco, or 4-7 Marco?

SF: Marvin Williams v Trevor Ariza
Advantage: Even
Williams had a good game against the Hornets in December, displaying surprising versatility in scoring in the post, on the break, and from deep.  I have a hard time imagining him repeating that performance, particularly with a balky back.  Trevor, of course, had a bad offensive game last game.  I’d like to say that means he’ll probably have a good one this game, but that would assume any sort of offensive consistency from Ariza.  I can’t do that.  It is still nice that we can always  expect stellar defense from Ariza, though.  In past years, our wings wouldn’t even give us that on a bad shooting nights.

PF: Josh Smith v David West
Advantage: Even
This matchup swings entirely on which Josh Smith shows up.  Smith is a better defender than West.  His offense, however, swings wildly from highly effective to extremely terrible, and is entirely based on whether Smith is attacking the basket or shooting jumpshots.  Last game Smith took lots of terrible long jumpshots and hit none of them.  If he’s taking long shots tonight, this matchup swings strongly in Fluffy’s favor.

C: Al Horford v Emeka Okafor
Advantage: Hawks
Al Horford has declined some from an extremely strong opening month of the season, but he’s still a load in the paint.  He does just about everything well, scoring efficiently, rebounding, passing, and rarely turning over the ball.  He even blocks a shot here and there.  Okafor’s been playing well over the last month, but I struggle with the idea he’ll be able to outplay Horford in the end.


Jamal Crawford, Josh Powell, Zaza Pachulia, Maurice Evans, Damien Wilkins VS
Jarrett Jack, Marcus Thornton, Willie Green, Jason Smith, Quincy Pondexter, Aaron Gray
Advantage: Hawks
The Hawks have a dependable scorer off the bench in Jamal Crawford, a decent backup big in Pachulia, and some nice defenders scattered through the rest of the bench.  The Hornets are hoping that either Jack or Thornton will be able to match Crawfords attack, because if that’s the case, this advantage for the Hawks is limited.

Enjoy the game!

Oh, and who gets to attack me first for comparing Marbury to Rose?

181 responses to “Game On: Hornets @ Atlanta”

  1. I think it’s more of a bad shooting year for Ariza.

    What’s amazing is that even with a disadvantage in almost all positional analysis, CP himself can still win games. Not saying we’ve already won, but he has decimated entire teams within one quarter’s time. Hopefully he doesn’t have to put in a cheat-code tonight, but I don’t think everybody realizes just how good he is. We love you, lil guy.

  2. From what I hear both Horford and Williams may be out. Especially Horford because he’s expected to miss the next two games.

  3. “The Hawks could open with Evans at small forward and Jason Collins at center against New Orleans. Drew said he expects more minutes from Zaza Pachulia and Josh Powell on the front line.”

  4. Pure matchup wise, I take Ariza, West, and Okafor over their Hawks counterparts. In a vacuum Horford might be better than Okafor but head to head I take Okafor, as he dominated Al last time. Same with Ariza and West. Hawks have the advantage at SG and on the bench, and also have home court in this game, but PG, SF, PF, C and Coach all favor Hornets IMO.

    • was just about to say i think okafor has the advantage. Horford plays soft, his D is lackin big time and Okafors been beasting. Horfords a pain to guard cuz hes got decent post moves and can hit a consistent mid, but i think okafor will get the best of him.

  5. This is a bad matchup tonight. Got the mighty Spurs tomorrow in a game thats WAY more important than this one. Also, ATL is very athletic and deep, and typically, athletic teams are way more aggressive at home. I expect to see Josh Smith go right at David West to try and get him and/or Okafor in foul trouble. If that happens, this one could get ugly.

  6. I hope we can get this win. I really hope we do. And I also heard Horford and Williams were out for not just tonight but the next game too.

  7. I’d talk about Dragon Age 2, Ryan, but then I’d have to admit excitement about a character named _____. which is thematically inappropriate today. Nonetheless, I’m stoked about THIS game, and hope both teams bring their best.

    But why are you worried about people attacking you on the Rose-Marbury reference? I mean, its not like they have pretty much the same game and can expect the same lack of post-season success, right?

  8. I would absolutely love for the Hornets to have a 7 game win streak heading into the Spurs game. Then, the Hornets might actually get some respect when our win streak snaps theirs (that is, if the Spurs take out the Knicks tonight).

    Also, we’re knocking on the door to the 3rd seed. Gotta keep the W’s coming!

  9. Whoever said people don’t realise how good CP3 is, your right. He is criminally slept on this year. Saying that, who ever said NOH have an advantage at SF/PF/C is wrong, at best, you combine those 3 and it’s a wash.

  10. Sean Kelly just tweeted that Trevor Ariza and Aaron Gray are out tonight with injuries. Pondexter figures to get the start.

  11. Marbury and Rose are as similar as a Timberpup to a BULL. Rose has lead his team without Boozer and Noah for stretches on end, whilst being #1 in the Central Division and top 5 PER. For these reasons and more, he is an MVP candidate, where as stat-related point guards have not been able to lead their healthy squads in the same way.

    As for your game references, or whatever, I have a PS3 so quite frankly you sound esoteric. As for the Hawks, Josh Powell, Etan Thomas, and Maurice Evans are all unrestricted free agents this summer. Would you anyone like to add them to a Hornets stimulus package?

  12. Sorry, but if you’ve been looking for a Marbury comparison, look no further than Jarrett Jack. They are almost the exact same player from the exact same college wearing the exact same number at Tech. Marbury was the reason that I liked watching Wake and G-Tech with Jack and CP there. They looked like 2 little Marbury clones. One blossomed into an enormously better player. One is about on Marbury level still. Now we have the clones on the same team. All we need is Steph for the collection! I’m kidding. As much as I liked watching Starbury back in the day. He is not a winner or a team player and is slightly crazy. And by slightly I mean a lot of crazy.

  13. In a chat on ESPN yesterday it was mentioned that Peja should go to Dallas because of their lack of SF’s because of Caron Butler being out and I said what about the Hornets? How many SF’s do we have on the roster outside of Ariza and Pondexter? And now that one is due to sit out tonight…..

  14. it looks like the Hawks have a worse time with attendance than us…unless ppl in atlanta prefer the upper level for the games.

    • They do. The media doesn’t care though because they don’t have an attendance benchmark in their lease and no one is wanting them to move out of Atlanta.

    • We have higher average attendance than them so far this year.

      Through 22 games, we are averaging 14,200, which is just over 83% of a sellout.

      Through 20 games (not including tonight), they are averaging 14,137, which is just under 76% of a sellout.

      They are a large, 4 sports market. Atlanta has essentially the same record as us, had a hot start like us, though not as hot. They are the 9th largest metro area at about 6 million people, far outpacing us. Hmmm . . . so what else do we have in common . . . hmmm . . . oh, football towns with good teams . . .

  15. And suprisingly the Hornets still have the lead. Albeit small, but the lead nonetheless.

    Of course they’d call it a clear path. SUCKS.

  16. Neither one of them needed a tech for that. They hand out techs too damn easily now. That’s why people say this league is soft.

  17. I’ve said it before, I don’t think any pg in the league garners as much defensive attention as Chris Paul does.

  18. From John Hollinger- “With CP at line just now, a group of Hawks fans started chanting “Marvin’s better!!” … Better at what? Yahtzee? 49-34 Hornets at half “

  19. LOL! From John Hollinger’s twitter page.

    With CP at line just now, a group of Hawks fans started chanting “Marvin’s better!!” … Better at what? Yahtzee? 49-34 Hornets at half
    half a minute ago via web

  20. It’s Rubbish when people mention anyone outside of DWill(just b/c of the head2head matchup)..Even though it’s clear CP is better than him And every other Pg on the Planet

      • They’ll put him in it. He’s having a pretty good season and they’ll put him in it even if they’re only trying to prove to themselves that he’s ‘as good as’ CP3. LOL! They’ll put him in it along with the 3 you mentioned. And then some might try to make a case for Westbrook. I think those are the only guards in the WC to get mention.

  21. Joe Gerrity, that group know they’d ship Marvin’s arse out of there in a hot second if it meant they could get Chris Paul. LOL!

  22. Their becomes a point when the hawks have to starting thinking maybe J. Smith will never turn that corner.

  23. Wait for it. Wait for it.

    The Hornets have 21 free throws to the Hawks 9 because they’re owned by the league. 😕


  24. I almost don’t know what to do, it almost doesn’t feel like a hornets game since it’s not going down to the wire…

  25. God I hope the Hornets will be ready for the Spurs like this tomorrow. The refs will probably not even let the Hornets play defense tomorrow.

  26. god, in the first half atlanta could’t make a shot, but in the second, the defense was GREAT. we’re kicking their asses LOL

  27. What lineup do you finish this with? I say put MT5 at the point so Anderson and Smith can play the wings and jack up threes… lol what a fun game

  28. UMMM OKAY? *rubs eyes* Did this just happen??? I came from a trip and saw the score. I thought the computer system was having an error lol. This is awesome!!! Great to see the starters getting some rest for tomorrow while the Spurs have their hands full with the Knicks hehe.

  29. I wish this had happened in Denver.

    Surely the funniest play in the game was Mbenga botching Thornton’s alley-oop pass, Thornton yelling at him “Oh come on DJ!” then the Hawks STILL allowing Mbenja the time to gather it in and kick it out to Jack for an Uncontested 3.

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