To Eat, and to Drink, and to Be Merry

Anyone who knows me knows I’m not a ‘Christmasy’ guy, but I do truly appreciate all the aspects of the holiday. It’s about life, rebirth, and hunkering down for the cold winter up north. Swap out cold and hunkering for warmth and beach time for our fellows in the Southern Hemisphere. Orbital Mechanics aside, it’s a time to look around, appreciate, and communicate.

Here’s my take as it relates to Hornets247.

Firstly, I appreciate everyone involved with the site. The big bears running the show do a great job. Niall’s hard work is still paying off. All the posters literally around the world make this site so special and add tremendously to my life, and not just the Hornets part of it: from the fiery QueenBee, to the ever-diligent hewhorocks, to the folks to whom I owe apologies.

Secondly, I appreciate our team and organization. We’re on the way up.

Thirdly, I appreciate the NBA. All fears regarding the Hornets aside, when you look at the marquee matchups on Christmas day, take some time to reflect on the broader picture: all the thrills, all the good times, all the first dates at games, family gatherings, and friendships.

On a personal note: I was at the Super Bowl. One of my best friends and I took the trip, got face value tickets, saw us win, saw a shuttle launch, saw races, had a track tour, and had a wonderful adventure. I not only shared that moment with my friend, but also with those folks around me. I got their names: a father-son pair of Patricks, Bob, and DEB. I still talk to them. We are forever a part of each other’s lives. It’s really amazing.

I share this because this sort of thing isn’t just true at the Super Bowl. It’s true when you go to games, or work, or the bar, or wherever.

Next time you waver on going to a game, think about Super Bowl Bob and Super Bowl Doug, then carry yourself down there. That’s my advice. They are why we go to games, and they are why we need the Hornets here.

Think about this when you watch those games, then imagine it gone. Appreciate what we have here and across the country. And once you are done with that, realize how much more you truly appreciate those close to you compared to all these strangers.

Have a good one.

Be Excellent to Each Other.


9 responses to “To Eat, and to Drink, and to Be Merry”

  1. You’re the man 42! Happy Holidays and Cheers to you and all Hornets fans! Heck, not just Hornets fans, EVERYONE!

  2. Amen to QueenBee and Whodat504 comments! And amen to 42; it takes heart, soul and passion to post comments like these. Nobody can cheer his teams on solo, so get your friends, make new friends and have some fun supporting your home team! Support a legacy! I remember watching the Jazz: Pistol Pete, Gail Goodrich, Elgin Baylor, Truck Robinson, Spencer Haywood, Rich Kelley and Aaron James. And many of our Hornets will be remembered for some time to come!

  3. Happy Holidays to all Hornets fans out there. Even you 42 : )

    Going to my first game, in fact first NBA game, tomorrow. Bringing 10 of my friends and family along. Can’t wait!

  4. Bah! Humbug!
    It’s not rebirth. That’s a spring thing.
    It’s all about stealing the pagan winter celebration of lights and making it a thing about Christianity.

    Yes…it’s about eating, drinking and being merry!
    However, those of us who truly understand the absurdity of life and our own particular role try to celebrate with every shift in the wind…a sort of beer pong of life.

    And from the earliest experiments with better living through mushrooms or fermentation, our alchemist have helped us stay “comfortably numb.”


    • I humbug lots of things, but an evergreen tree as a centerpiece of a celebration near the winter solstice . . . that’s a rebirth thing, an attempt at mimetic magic.

  5. Happy holidays everyone! Thanks for keeping this great site going! And thanks to those who used to work here, like Ron Hitley. It’s been legendary.

  6. Thank you Ron (and God Bless you where ever you are – you’re the best) and Ryan for this great great site, Thanks to the new guys who keep it going.
    Happy New Year and the best to The Hornets.

  7. Happy Holidays and best of luck to everyone!

    Btw, I hope the Hornet players didn’t eat as much as I have today. -shamed-

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