Hornets Watch Party TODAY

The first official Hornets247 watch party of the year is TODAY at The Extreme Sports Bar and Grille, located at 535 Tchoupitoulas. Get there early for some live Hornets conversation with your best online friends. Game starts at 6:30, but I’ll be there around 5.

We are giving away tickets, jerseys, signed memorabilia, and beer.

The Details (RSVP and invite your friends on Facebook, please!) This is how you do it really fast. And PLEASE tell your friends/coworkers/interns/employees/neighbors/bosses/lovers that we want them in attendance.

What: The First Hornets247 Watch Party of the year to benefit the Save Our Hornets foundation. Yes, people getting together watching games on TV is good for us all.

…is in it for you: Free beer, drink specials, cool prizes (including tickets), fun contests, a chance to meet all your fellow Hornets fans, some Hornets reps, and maybe some other Hornets personnel. And you get to watch what should be a good game against those three guys who play on Miami. I think their names are Larry, Moe and Curly, but I could be mistaken.

Where: Extreme Sports Bar and Grille at 535 Tchoupitoulas. I used to live in the Warehouse District, and I probably still would if this place had opened up a few years ago. It’s a new sports bar with air hockey, pool, foosball, a boxing game, and a ton of TV’s and projectors to show our New Orleans Hornets. Good wings, too. I spent some time in upstate NY, so I know a good wing when I eat one. Definitely worth checking out, even if you can’t make the party.

When: Monday, December 13th from 5:00 to 10:00pm. The game starts at 6:30, but I’ll be there at 5:00 if anyone wants to come by a little earlier to start talking Hornets. There could be some interesting things said early on.

Why: Because we need to get this party started. The Hornets are playing great, yet they are almost dead last in attendance. There are rumors that the state and the team will come to a new lease agreement (which they haven’t started talking about yet), but who knows what that will mean. Fact is we need to get attendance up, and we can do that by increasing the exposure that the Hornets have in the local community. The free beer just happens to be a nice addition.

So please come and join us for the first watch party of the year. It’s really important that we pack the house and build momentum going forward. Sorry again about the short notice, but a while ago I predicted a watch party in early December (the 13th is early in my book) and I didn’t want to disappoint.

If anyone would like to help out a little with things, please just get there a little early and let me know.

21 responses to “Hornets Watch Party TODAY”

  1. Its not looking good for my attendance for tonight either. Joe, Mike, Ryan, 42… go ahead and schedule next month’s watch party.

    One more thing… we should have a Hornets night out after a home game here pretty soon. We can have it on a Friday or Saturday night.

  2. I swear, words cannot express how angry and disappointed I get when I watch this team. D west cannot carry this team. We need a scorer. I swear this team is going to be the death of me.

  3. Put Thornton in the starting lineup! No option outside of D-West with CP not scoring like he used to. This team is painful to watch no wonder attendace is so low

  4. Gotta have better consistant outside shooting. Stop getting denied so easily at the rim. Make players draw their fingers back or have them drawing back nubs. No excuse for Marcus to not get some of Belinelli’s minutes tonight. I thought Monty was supposed to be good with young talent. Must be good at sitting young talent on the bench. At least Marcus is fast getting to the rim and can possibly knock down some shots. Hornets need a scorer. I thought Belinelli would be at least somewhat better than he has been.

  5. This lost, is the first time I really got angry. What is so hard about putting the starters back in the 4th quarter? The bench was letting the Heat score at ease, Monty takes a time out and leaves the bench out there. But the Heat has his starters out there. Such a ridiculous and moronic coaching job by Monty….sigh

    • Yeah, you don’t do that. I know you’re trying to show your bench you have trust in them but when they start letting you down like that, screw trust.

  6. FIRE MONTY …. PLAY MARCUS 9 points in the forth quarter is ridiculous we need fire power in there play him

  7. I have been trying to not get involved in the marcus talks but at this point no matter what i cant be silent on it anymore, theres just no reason for marcus to not be in there. We need offense, and we just arent gettin it from marco. and marcos defense cant be the excuse dwayne wade had friggin 32 points tonite, marcos offense was 1-7 at the 3pt line 2-9 shooting……lord *hand to face*

  8. Disappointing result. Monty’s gotta look back and see what worked and what didn’t. Lebron going off on a second unit is not a fresh strategy, Monty didn’t counter. Game over. Everything before that looked great. But definitely, with Bellinelli misfiring, you need to start Thornton. Not saying put Marco in streetclothes, but just bring him off bench with Jack and Quincy.

  9. Also, Monty needs to recognized how effectively Gray anchored the zone defense, and was an active participant in the offense, whether as passer or scorer. He clearly is better than Mbenga, and needs to be the regular back-up.

  10. three games in a row where we set a season low in points in a quarter with that 9 in the fourth. 8 were in the last 4 minutes, during what was close to, if not garbage time almost (down double digits). That defines our top problem right now, scoring, especially after a good looking first half.

  11. I agree thorton not stepping foot on the court is just crazy. Marco is not putting up the numbers, so change must be made. But gray seriously as the permanant back up r u kidding? The guy can’t catch a pass, or go 2min. W/out a foul, he is the biggest most clumsy, goofy, uncoordinated nba player in the league. Y bower resigned this guy who the hell knows. Let’s get it togethr monty. Besides the need for another real scorer on the court. We r flatout getting outcoached.

  12. What are the assistant coaches duties? Can they put their heads together along with Monty and figure out a way to right this ship? How can you have like 5 assistant coaches and none of them can point out what’s wrong?

    I thought this would be the Trevor Ariza that we would get.



    I thought this would be the Marco Belinelli that we would get.



    I remember when I heard we would be getting James Posey. I thought great. He’s a good defensive player. Can knock down clutch 3’s. And he did. Sometimes. It seems like every player we get never does what they used to do on other teams. It’s like they get to NOLA and get weighed down from PoBoys and Gumbo or something.

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