Game On: Warriors @ Hornets

Chris Paul vs. Kelenna AzubuikeSince Tyson and West went out, we’ve played a bunch of games we had no business winning, and we won them anyway. Tonight it looks like we’ll get West back, and we’re playing a team we should definitely beat. Let’s hope there’s no letdown.

G-State are just 14-32 on the season, 4-21 on the road. They’re 0-13 on the road this season against opponents at-or-above the .500 mark. Monta Ellis recently returned from injury but he’s easing into it. He shot 2-11 for 7 points in a blowout loss to the Mavs on Wednesday.

Game tips at 8:30 Central due to ESPNness. You can catch the game live online tonight for free via All the games broadcast by ESPN can be seen there, and viewed until 12pm ET the day after.

Lotsa Linkage:
Random fact:

G-State’s Andris Biedrins has a .553 field-goal percentage this season but he hasn’t attempted a field goal from outside the paint in his last 30 games. Biedrins has made 244 field goals this season, all but one of which were from inside the lane.

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