That crafty Henry Abbot done gave me an idea!
There's a billion videos on YouTube and some of them just so happen to be about the Hornets. So, let's get them all together in one place. I've created a YouTube group where we can dump any Hornets vids we come across. Anyone and everyone can join the group for now, so please do so and help us build up a nice collection. If you're not a member of YouTube, it only takes a second to sign up.
You can find the group at this address:
There's already some nice videos in there that were added this morning, including some old school Muggsy Bogues footage and of course some Honeybees stuff.
I'm told if this goes well we'll incorporate a lot of YouTube video into the new site. Anyways, here's a bad-ass Tyson Chandler video to whet your appetite…
While we're here: Hornets @ Suns preseason tonight at 9pm Central. So long Chenowith and Richardson.