The Nets beat the Hornets

You know, I really didn't think it was possible for the Hornets to lose to the Nets last night. Mediocre opponent, on your home floor, great opportunity to stop a lengthy losing streak. I'm lucky I'm not a betting man, or I'd be farmless today.

I'm also lucky that I've built up an immunity to the Hornets ineptitude. Last week, the losing was leaving me with a sickness in my gut. Actual physical sickness. This week, all I can do is roll my eyes and shake my head. I guess I've finally accepted that this season is a dead end.

Carefree news and notes…

  • Linkage: box | recap | video
  • The final score was 112-108, and it was pretty close down the stretch, tied at 104 with a minute left, but Vince Carter made a layup, then fouled out Tyson Chandler on the Nets next possession and hit both free throws. That was the knockout blow right there.
  • Looks like the Hornets offense isn't the real problem after all. Scoring 108 points on 47% shooting isn't a bad night. Giving your opponent 112 points on 58% shooting is.
  • For the first time in centuries, David West and Chris Paul both played solid in the same game. CP had 25, 12 and 6, while actually hitting 10-of-19 FGs. When do you think was the last time he took at least ten shots in a game and made 50% or more? How about February 10th against Memphis, 13 games ago!

    West, meanwhile, scored 24 and grabbed 7. You still think the offense is to blame, D?

  • Desmond Mason: 5-of-18 shooting for 12 points in 30 minutes. How does he get that many shots? Tyson Chandler leads the damn League in FG% and he gets only 3 shots in 25 minutes last night? Knock knock, Byron Scott.
  • The six game losing streak is a season-high for the Hornets. I guess you could say that means the team sucks more now than they did when Paul, West, Bojangles and Peja were all out at the same time.
  • Bostjan Nachbar: 12 points, 3 rebounds in 22 minutes.

Yawn. I'm falling asleep as I type this. Can't be much fun for you either. In other news, Peja Stojakovic went through practice drills with contact today, meaning he should be back in time for the 2009 Playoffs.

I'm oh-so excited. 

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