The Hornets beat the Cavaliers

Nice win by the Hornets over Cleveland yesterday. Final score was 95-89. Next up are the Spurs on Thursday and the Mavs on Saturday (both games in New Orleans) so we needed a W in the worst way.


News and notes, just like grandma used to make…

  • Linkage: box | recap | video | photos
  • Chris Paul: 30 points, 11 assists, 5 boards, 2 steals, 1 turnover. Now that's some crazy shit.
  • LeBron James: 15 points total, ZERO in the fourth quarter. Now that's some crazy shit.
  • Big non-gay hugs to Desmond Mason and his fine teeth for shutting down LeBron. Only thing more amazing than that lockdown is how fickle I am.
  • There was a Hilton Armstrong sighting in this one. Actually, 14 minutes worth. He scored a quick 10 points at the end of the second quarter, before finishing with 12 and 4 rebounds. Ced Simmons also got 20 minutes of burn in his second straight start, with Marc Jackson coming off the bench. All that PT for the rooks has got to be killing Brandon Bass.
  • The bench might agree with Marc Jackson, btw. Byron Scott sat him out for the game in G-State, but he bounced back, dropping 14 against the Cavs on 7-of-11 shooting. That's been a long time coming.
  • As not really predicted here, Drew Gooden didn't play because of his twisted nuts. Anderson Varejao filled in nicely for the second straight game, finishing with 17 and 8 against the Hornets. Those 17 were a team-high for Cleveland and a career-high for Sideshow.
  • Jannero Pargo finished with 15 points and 7 rebounds. His jumper in the lane with a minute left was the killer blow for Cleveland. Interesting that Jannero has had 19 rebounds in the last two games combined.

The big distraction yesterday were George Shinn's comments about the future of the franchise, which somehow managed to piss off everyone (see here and here). Shinn's plan?

"…the best thing to do was to put it in God’s hands and let it be his will. If it’s part of his plans for me to fail, I’ll fail. If it’s to succeed, I’m going to succeed. And I’m going to give it everything I’ve got to make it succeed. "

Or, he could just forget the whole religion spiel and become agnostic like me. Then maybe he could have a kick-ass website, too. 

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