The Big Time
You couldn’t have drawn up a better script. One game, for all the marbles (sort of.) It is the basketball equivalent of the final game in the film Major League. If the Pelicans win, with their weird theme music, ragtag crew and eccentric fans; against the epitome of a dynasty in the defending champion San […]
Spurring Some Heated Discussion
With the 2013 NBA Finals on our temporal doorsteps, with the present and past colliding like fists two Chuck Norris fists, with silent power and grace slamming into furious flash, with the Obi-Wan battling the Anakin, of course all I can think about is the New Orleans Pelicans. All Pelicans, all the time . . […]
What to Expect When You Are Expecting: Tim Duncan
As if the tip-off against the Spurs won’t be exciting enough, Davis vs. Duncan may be the first in a series of barometer matchups for the potential NBA MVP.