In the NO Ep. 286: Free Agency Everything
Michael and I break down the options this off-season, ranging from Lowry to the Holidays to Rubio and Beverly. We dig into mid-level guys, minimum dudes, answer questions from twitter, seriously consider Rudy Gay, and bemoan Tim Frazier leaving. Okay, maybe not the last one so much. It’s a big one though! LOTS of stuff! […]
The Next Free Agent: Dell Demps
Jake talks about why the next contract the Hornets should look at is not a player, but General Manager Dell Demps.
Dell Demps the Chessmaster: Rushing to Judge the Off-season
Jake looks at how Dell Demps usually sets up one move with another and urges patience this off-season. Jake also wants Demps’ new nickname to be the “Chessmaster.”
In the NO Podcast Episode 37: Building the Team
Ryan and Michael put together the off-seasons that each want to see from the Hornets, trading, signing, and each attempting to improve the team. Bask in their mad GM skills – – or mock them. Either works for us. Enjoy! Oh, and vote for your favorite off-season below the player!
2010-2011 Season Review Part Two: Looking Ahead
So now that we have looked back on what was an exciting season in part one and on the podcast, it is time to take what we have learned and look forward to how it might impact the future of this franchise. When we look back in four or five years, it is likely that […]